Yuichiro Tokito

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"Genya...," Muichiro breathed as his partner arrived at the premises. "You look amazing,"

Genya tilted his head to the side, rather surprised by the unexpected comment concerning his appearance. He brought a hand out of his pockets to comb out his hair as he leisurely approached the smaller one.

"Really?" He asked in bafflement.

Muichiro placed a hand over his mouth to hide the laugh he still had over his own joke.

"Pfft- no," He scoffed. "Now follow me. The party's this way,"

Genya obliged in regards to his commands, following his steps as he galloped away. He took into his eyes the lavishness of the tall building. The theme was extremely elegant in its own creative format. In a good way, it seemed almost blinding. Every hall they passed told a different story, and in an almost similar way. This was by far the most polished first impression he's had to face concerning an abode. It was almost unreal.

"Wow...," He fawned. "Was Shinobu always this rich?"

Muichiro shrugged, hastening his steps as the music blared louder into his ear. He brought his hands alongside his hair, flipping it behind his shoulders in order to hear as many lyrics as he was potentially capable of. It was the only reason the wee likeness he still had for that woman remained — her music taste.

"Probably," He answered. "I mean — she is one of the most successful directors in the industry,"

Finally, he stopped at the sudden registry of contented guests dancing and prancing around. Some were already drunk although the party had just begun, and others refrained from drinking all in all, standing at tiny corners where they chatted with a friend. Muichiro had planned to do both that same day.

Suddenly, he grabbed Genya by his arm, afraid to land it anywhere lower upon his hand, and dragged him towards a group of guests in a circle. Some of which, he wasn't aware of in the slightest as he's never spoken to them before. Yet, that didn't matter. Parties were all about meeting new people.

He sat down amongst the circle, dragging Genya down with him to join him in the pretty common party game. A completely sober guest handed the two of them a shot cup before dangling a tequila bottle in their hand to indicate the remaining portion.

"Wait what?" Genya suddenly exclaimed, setting his shot cup down. "They're playing truth or drink," He silently explained to Muichiro.

"I know...," Muichiro admitted. "That's the point,"

Truth or drink was one of Muichiro's favorite party games. Not because of the actual concept of it all, but due to the fact that it gave him a not so reasonable excuse to drink. However, he didn't really handle alcohol well, and always needed to spend the night at a guest's house for his own safety.

As annoying as it was, he never really learned from past experiences that taught him more than he possibly needed to know.

"But Muichiro, you're a lightweight," Genya recalled. "You get drunk from drinking substances as little as wine,"

Muichiro brought his elbow up and nudged his arm gently in annoyance. He could never enjoy a party without someone in particular reminding him about his intolerance concerning alcohol. He knew Genya still treasured his care for him a lot, but he wouldn't let it get in the way of such a glamorous party.

After all, even if his memory didn't go as far as the average humans did, deep inside he still felt as though this building was the most lavish of buildings he's ever visited. In one way or another, he was going to make the most of it if he truly had to.

"Don't be like that, Genya," He scolded. "Let me have fun for once,"

"I am, it's just-,"

"Remember, we're not boyfriends," He snapped. "You don't have the right to care about me,"

Registering the extent of those ill words, Genya went awfully silent. He completely stopped spewing sentences, and turned away to face the wall in front of him. As much as what the smaller one said was fairly accurate, he couldn't just stop actually giving a fuck about him. It might've been easy for Muichiro to move on, but it definitely wasn't as effortless for him.

Now of course, he was still completely aware of the huge mistake that he made. He would admit it was out of utter lust, desire, and a whole lot of drive. There was nobody else to blame but himself concerning the situation. He fell for a very resistible trap Yuichiro made out for him in order to spite his own blood brother.

For whatever reason, Yuichiro held some sort of jealousy for his twin after he became an award winning actor despite having a European husband who was ten times richer than the likes of Muichiro. However, he couldn't even bat an eye in regards to riches. His sole goal was just to get out there — on television, stage, magazines, and possibly on a red carpet.

The moment Muichiro was picked for every role in replacement of the original actor, Yuichiro, he lost it. They were both very excellent actors. Yet, all every single director wanted was that eye-catching beauty mark above Muichiro's lips, and of course, his miraculously made double eyelids. Something Yuichiro didn't have. Hence, the reason he went from being the potential main actor in every future film, to an absolute nobody.

At some point, he had to resort to modeling which didn't pay even up to half as much as acting did. When that didn't work, he kept looking and somehow found himself in the sex industry.

It started off with a fun time for every customer for up to twenty dollars, which obviously wasn't enough to sell his dignity. Then, he was eventually welcome to a brothel where he was continuously orally as well as anally assaulted by his supervisor who brought him in. Of course, nobody in his life knew about these atrocities as he refused to ever speak up concerning their existences.

Eventually, he quit working all together as he'd finally found a husband who could look over and take care of him. However, that wouldn't be enough for him as there was still work he yearned to finish. No matter how much he tried to move on, there was absolutely no way he could let his brother live on as an aspiring actor. He had to take something — anything from him in return from him seizing his entire career.

After finally getting the chance to be alone with Genya, he took his opportunity and 'innocently' seduced him. He wasn't a virgin — in fact, he was far from one. However, that was something that always seemed to get him more customers who weren't aware of the ones he had prior. As it worked on everyone else, it seemed to work on Genya as well the moment their clothes flew off.

The guilt began to crowd in the second he pulled off his ring. Nevertheless, he wasn't guilty enough. That was the day he left Muichiro helplessly shattered, and ran off with a goal accomplished. About his husband, Marcel, he managed to guilt trip and gaslight him into staying with him all in the same quarrel. He might've gotten what he wanted, but he wasn't happy.

He would never be content with his life.

"Hey, Genya!" Mitsuri addressed, snapping at the taller one's face.

Genya was instantly pulled into reality as he gave the woman in his presence a look of concern. With a benevolent smile, she brought her hands up to her cheeks and jokingly made a face back. Except, hers had a lot more character.

"Could you please get Rengoku for us?" She asked politely. "He promised he'd play truth or drink when he arrived,"

"Why me?" He asked straightforwardly.

Mitsuri took her hands away from her face, placing them on her sides.

"Oh well — umm...," She sputtered, looking off to the side. "He's your manager, so we figured you'd know where he is,"

Genya shrugged before saying, "Uzui-san was his ride, and I don't know what car he drives,"

"'Uzui-san'?" She mimicked in excitement. "Keaah! You're still so formal, Genya!"

Genya laughed in response. For whatever reason, he seemed to get that a lot although he didn't really believe it himself. Obviously enough, he wasn't going to just deny a compliment. He accepted it with open arms.

"Anyways... he drives the only Lexus you'll see in that lot," Mitsuri explained.

With a sigh, Genya nodded in response. He leisurely got up from his spot on the cushioned floor seats on his way to fetch his manager. Even if it meant a minute from the awkward situation he was put in, it was worth it. Anything to get away from Muichiro's piercing glare.

Word Count: 1484

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