Lingering Feelings

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All three customers were finished shopping around the bijou shop they scrutinized. Each one of them, including Mitsuri, found designer material of their liking and purchased the clothed goods.

By this time, it was dark and the mall was emptying. The mini crowd that once lingered and surrounded the entry of the shop had evanesced long before any second encounters. Muichiro and Genya were both relieved to be met with an unexpected silence throughout the modern facility.

Mitsuri led them to an elevator, where they waited after a few buttons were pushed. It was tranquil as Muichiro proceeded to silently hum along with the instrumental playing into his eardrums. Genya sighed into his utter relaxation. He closed his eyes, resting onto the side of the elevator where the side assistance bars usually reside. He rested an arm onto one of the bars to maintain a straight posture, and leaned up against the wall of the minuscule room.

Silence filled the air as they all waited to be granted a safe leave.

Suddenly, the three felt a sudden jolt and awaited for the doors to slide open – as they did. One by one, all three of them gathered out and were instantly met with the exit of the building. Except, unlike the first time they'd entered the building where the weather was all sunny and pristine, it was currently rainy and dark.

Muichiro cringed, staring at the bag of clothes he was holding in concern. He knitted his eyebrows, examining his challenge. It would be a hassle, struggling through the rain, all the while keeping the clothes dry and acceptable. He sighed at the realization of the situation.

Turning over, he scrutinized the other two beside him who had stopped in their tracks as well. They stared astonishingly at the weather before them, peeking through the glass windows of the facility. The emotion on their faces was unreadable, but all three of them were obviously thinking the same thing.

With a sigh, Genya announced, "Try to keep the clothes dry more than yourself. After all, we just bought them."

Although Muichiro despised agreeing with the taller one, it was the wisest choice that remained of their options. He would really hate to already ruin the lavish clothes in his grasp.

So with a sigh, all three began to walk out of the building into the freezing rain. Genya stepped out first, covering his bag with the entirety of his body. All the while, bending down and allowing his back to be the main target the rain would have to come across.

Muichiro walked similarly, hugging his bag of clothes tightly with one hand, while the other took the job of protecting his hair. Light drops of rain hit his shoulders, and glossened his designer shoes. The bag attempted to collapse from his grasp one too many times, to fortunately, no avail. His grip was desperate and certain, and it would remain that way until his destination was approached.

Finally, Muichiro reached the car, with the help of Genya's trail who had since realized the exact destination that Mitsuri's car remained. He turned around, looking for said owner, only to see her meters away at the entrance of the mall they once stepped on. She quivered in fear, buckling her knees together to influence it. Her eyes trailed along the drops of rain that poured down from the roaring sky. She was helpless and mildly impatient. 

Muichiro sighed in disappointment of the sight he was beholding. The situation wasn't unexpected; but unexpected of the fact he expected it.

He rushed over to the trunk of the car to shove his shopping bags in the storage before asking Genya, "What are we going to do? She's not risking it."

The taller one grunted, putting his own bags in the trunk as well, before slamming the trunk shut. Light splashes of rain hit his face in response to the motion. He jingled Mitsuri's keys for a while before heading to the front of the car, and unlocking it. Hastily, he rushed into the drivers seat and gestured that Muichiro should hop inside as well.

He obliged, opening the back door of the car, and skipping the first seat to scooch onto the middle seat where he would settle.

"What?" Genya asked with a chuckle before inserting the car key into it's input. "Too afraid to sit next to me?" He was now tracing Muichiro's face in the rearview mirror of the car; even knitting his eyebrows together to perceive a closer look.

Just a subtle reaction from the smaller one that didn't do so much as respond, enthralled him regardless.

Muichiro rolled his eyes, noticing Genya's endless stare from the mirror. Avoiding it, he looked out the mirror all the while aiming to make as if he never noticed. His elbow was perched next to the car pocket, and his palm held his chin up as he stared. It went quiet as another elusive chuckle was heard beneath Genya's breath. Almost as if he was enjoying the evasive reactions coming from the smaller one.

Genya finally began the car, realizing he wasn't getting any answer or retort from him. He accepted defeat and began to drive towards the mall to pick up Mitsuri who refused to associate with the rain at all costs. The only audible sound the two could hear was the pitter-patter of the desperate rain tapping onto the window. However, Muichiro was soon to ruin that silence with questions he was willing to speak on.

"You make it obvious...," He said so quietly it could almost be taken as a whisper. Genya only struggled to perceive it.

"Pfft-," He scoffed, genuinely confused. "What are you talking about?"

Muichiro sighed, annoyed by the faux obliviousness he planned to maintain. He sucked on his teeth, and rolled his eyes, before finding himself off of the edge of the window. Leisurely, he slightly arose from his seat, letting his knee hold him up from the top. He leaned his head over the drivers seat and on top of Genya's shoulder. The taller one jolted from the sudden feeling of hot breath hitting his ear.

"It's obvious you still like me," Muichiro whispered with a smirk.

Genya's eyebrows perched up as he felt a slight nibble on his top ear before the smaller one agreed to return to his former position. He desperately crossed his legs together, creasing his eyes as he struggled to hide something rather visible. He softly grunted, struggling to keep his hands on the steering wheel as it grew.

Muichiro wasn't wrong. He knew too much. Or, Genya just couldn't endeavor hiding his emotions. Whatever it might've been, Muichiro was vigilante and would've noticed regardless. In fact, since the day the two departed, he's always registered it. It's always been so evident that Genya never lost feelings. Even now that Genya crossed his legs together desperately, he was instantly aware of the present he gave him. It made him somewhat proud that he still had the potential of doing such a thing.

By this time, they'd reached Mitsuri in her car. She instantly beamed, climbing inside of the vehicle with a benevolent smile. However, she was instantly stopped in her reaction once perceiving the itching facial emotions of the two.

"Ooh~ I could smell the tension from outside," She frowned. "What happened? Did you two get into an argument?" She asked, buckling herself into the passenger seat with a seatbelt.

Genya quickly shook his head, beginning to rev the car once again.

"Nope... nothing like that. Nothing at all," He denounced hastily, tightening the grip on his hard-on with his legs.

Mitsuri turned around, looking at the backseats for any answer from the smaller one, since she obviously wasn't receiving one from Genya. Muichiro looked at her with a sly smirk, still proud of his previous encounters. He would answer her, but only subtly.

"Oh, Genya's just ashamed is all."

Word Count: 1334

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