Way Too Drunk

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It was getting extremely late as people began to head out of the building. The area began to empty with people leaving their belongings and drunk friends behind. Cups were littered around the floor, as well as pools of spit and vomit. Even the air had this lingering stench that never failed to stress Genya as he struggled to remain sober. He didn't dare touch a drink.

If he wanted to be the one responsible for bringing Muichiro back home safely, he had to be clean himself. Or else they both wouldn't be safe for the road. After what happened earlier during the party, he definitely wasn't trying to sit in Uzui's convertible on his way home as he flirted with his manager throughout the journey.

He rarely ever talked to Uzui, and if that was going to be their first ever encounter, it for sure wasn't going to happen again. He couldn't stop but think about that stare he gave him as he slowly tinted the windows. Where did all the hate come from? Little did Genya know that he knew every detail about his relationship with Muichiro. Uzui cared about Muichiro as much as he did, and if he found a disturbance he didn't take to it nicely.

"Mmn... Genya," Muichiro heavily panted, leaning his head on his shoulder in all of his grogginess. "Could we go home now?" He slurred.

Genya flinched to the feverish feel of his palm resting onto his arm. Muichiro was so oddly hot that it wasn't the least bit tolerable. That moment was when he began to regret drinking as much as he did. It wasn't even a lot to the average human, but it had him seeing things he would've never thought he'd see before. All for the sake of fun.

"Take me home...," He gurgled.

"Yeah — right umm," Genya halted in his sentence, pulling Muichiro and himself up from the cushioned floor seats. "Shinobu, we'll be leaving now. Thanks for the invite,"

Shinobu waved her hand up in the air in acknowledgement that the two were off. She was still seen chatting with Giyu who was now drunk as well. This was completely intolerable in the case of drivers, but Muichiro was pretty carefree and didn't show much concern for situations like this. As for Giyu's tipsiness, it wasn't as noticeable as one might think. He was a lot more pink in the face now, but concerning his attitude, nothing really changed. Same old Giyu.

On the contrary, Muichiro was visible in every aspect you would begin to imagine. From top to bottom, he was a blatantly drunken mess. You wouldn't need a brain to register the indiscernible mindset he was facing at the time. He was completely wasted.

Genya struggled to get him inside the passenger seat as he remained wobbly in his stance. Somehow, he was successful enough in his attempts and managed to lock the door afterwards in hopes that Muichiro wouldn't continuously mess around with the buttons throughout the ride.

He proceeded to jog around to the other side of the car and hopped inside the driver's seat. With a hastened pace, he instantly grasped his keys and inserted them into the ignition. Using just the simple press of his foot, the two were off on their way to Genya's abode.


"Mind if I pick you up?" Genya asked the smaller one after closing the front door behind him.

"I don't care...," Muichiro spewed. "I just want to sleep,"

"Right," Genya assured.

Instantly, he swooped Muichiro swiftly into his arms and began a rather easy trot up the grand stairs of his abode. Everytime he's had the smaller one in this comforting position, he would admit that it'd been a lot easier than the last. Almost as if he was gradually getting used to it. From the beginning, he always found it so easy to carry the smaller one.

Of course, he'd never admit that to Muichiro though. Or else he'd end up with a frustrated scolding, or a cranial eruption. In most cases, he got both. In fact, there wasn't a time when he didn't.

Whatever the future case might've been, it didn't matter now as Genya had successfully found himself in the empty guest room. Figuring that was where the smaller one would be sleeping that very night, he began to walk over to the bed. At the very top of the room, he comfortably placed Muichiro inside the duvet. He pulled the covers over his shoulders and waited patiently for his slumber.

He watched as Muichiro closed his eyes, finally content with where he was resting. His long eyelashes closed shut as he prepared for rest. This was Genya's cue to leave as Muichiro had finally rested, and he could get his rest for the night as well. However, he failed to stop staring. In fact, his pupils would gradually move down from his eyes to his soft pink lips. The ones he had the privilege of kissing every morning. Oh, how he ruined that for himself.

Even as the regret began to build up, his eyes grew entrapped into the stare, instilling the temptation to do something inconsiderably wrong. However, he couldn't bring himself to do anything as Muichiro was still so vulnerable in this state. At the realization of that, Genya sighed in disappointment, and quit looking altogether. Instead, he planted a small peck on Muichiro's forehead before turning around to evanesce.

Except, he wasn't able to as he was abruptly halted in his steps by a soft tug. He jolted to the sudden touch, swiftly turning around to face the culprit that acted upon him. Muichiro's eyes were now wide open as he faced him desperately. It was somewhat like a horror movie in a way. However, it wasn't as scary as you would imagine.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Muichiro asked, merely closing his eyes halfway.

Genya's face subtly warmed up concerning the lolling tone of voice the smaller one emitted. His mind swarmed off to sinful thoughts of a situation completely different in comparison to the one the smaller one was aiming to convey. Slapping himself out of it, he began to take Muichiro's suggestion into consideration.

While he believed it was good enough to keep him in a guest room, Muichiro was still so drunk. If at all, he needed to be supervised until he was sober enough to act on his own. It was only wise that he slept in Genya's bed that very night. He'd just keep somewhat of a far distance away from him.

"I mean... I guess?" He sputtered before picking up Muichiro from the sheets once again, and heading out of the room.

He couldn't pinpoint why Muichiro would make such an out of pocket request. Of course, there was some logical reasoning behind it, but Muichiro was far too drunk to register that. So, his reasonings were quite different. Had he possibly a completely different agenda? Whatever the case might've been, he was coming to his room regardless.

However, those plans would have to be halted as Genya would suddenly perceive Muichiro clutching onto his stomach desperately with a face of utter discomfort. Taking notice of the very obvious signs that he was about to be the victim of a violent vomit, he rushed over to the nearest bathroom in the hall. As he ran towards the entrance, he never took his eyes off of Muichiro's changing expressions.

He watched as it went from a slight expression of disgust to a very evident one as his eyes blared wide in surprise. If Genya didn't get there in time, it was possible he wouldn't be able to survive. Fortunately for him, that wasn't the case as he'd successfully reached the knob in a swift second. Opening the door to the bathroom, he hastily brought Muichiro to his knees amongst the toilet.

Almost as if it were on cue, Muichiro opened his mouth to reveal a gutful of guck. Genya desperately held his hair back, picking up every strand as Muichiro proceeded to bend his neck above the bowl.

When all that needed to be done was done, he retrieved his head from the toilet bowl and looked up to the ceiling in exasperation.

"Thank you, Genya," Muichiro slurred.

Genya knitted his eyebrows together in alarm.

"Haven't heard that one in a long time," He admitted in a low tone. "Guess that's something he can only say when he's drunk,"

With a sigh, he got up from his kneeling position as well and carried Muichiro along with him. Tonight was going to be a long night, he could tell. However, that didn't matter to him. At the end of the day, this was solely to protect Muichiro from hurting himself throughout the night as he always did whenever they were together. That was his goal, and he aimed to accomplish it. Just like old times.

Word Count: 1496

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