Unexpected Visitor

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"I love you," Muichiro admitted, facing the taller one with a smile.

Genya nervously bit his lip, aiming to tone down the heat that was rising on his cheeks. The quote might've been a normal saying between lovers of some sort. To him however, it was an unbelievable miracle. Something he would've never expected Muichiro to admit.

In fact, for a moment he believed this was just another one of the times the smaller one dealt with his horns. Nonetheless, the way everything played out was completely different than any other time it has. Something about that sex was so much more passionate than ever before. Love had to have been swimming in the air as it happened. It wasn't just blind lust, he figured.

"Yeah... I could tell," He sputtered, looking off into the abyss in fear of what to say next.

Muichiro gasped in response, crossing his arms in disappointment. After all the time it took for him to say such a thing he didn't even believe he'd be able to say anymore, this was his response? It was highly intolerable.

"Aren't you gonna say it back?" He huffed with his mouth agape in confusion. "Don't you know how long it took for me to admit that to myse-,"

He jolted to the sudden contact of lips interrupting him in his sentence. It didn't take long for him to get used to the embrace. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head and kissed the taller one back. His cheeks turned into a vibrant hue of salmon pink. The act of intimacy was sublime to them both as they withered into their own worlds, sinking into the pure kiss.

"You know I love you too," Genya admitted as he parted from the kiss.

He placed a hand on Muichiro's cheek, caressing its smooth texture gently with a smile. With his own benevolent smile, Muichiro sunk into the home of his palm. He brought his hand up, placing it on Genya's wrist as he closed his eyes. For a moment, Genya couldn't even fathom the fact that all of this was happening at the very moment.

Not only did he and Muichiro just have the most passionate and loving sex they've had ever, but they were now snuggling each other affectionately. He seriously couldn't have asked for more. In fact, this was all he's ever asked for throughout this entire journey, and he was finally experiencing it after all this time.

"I really love you," He suddenly professed with half-lidded eyes.

Muichiro let go of his wrist, taking in his face with his hands. He shyly brought Genya's head towards his own, close enough for their foreheads to touch. With a subtle giggle, he nuzzled their noses together, leaving Genya with a blossoming hue on his cheeks as he swooned over the pretty face of his lover.

I mean, they declared their love for each other several times already. At this point, why wouldn't they be lovers?

Muichiro separated himself from the others' nose. Ending it off, he moved his face up to leave a gentle peck on the button of his nose before finally backing away. Genya almost reached out for him as he moved back. He couldn't bear to lose his velvety feel again, although knowing it was only temporary.

"Oh Genya...," He whispered softly. "I love you to-,"

Ding Dong

The two grew startled in surprise after the unexpected sound of a doorbell chimed into the abode. It rang throughout the house, intently reaching the bedroom they lovingly cuddled in. Muichiro looked at Genya in confusion. He wasn't skeptical of course as he knew he could trust his boyfriend — just curious is all.

"Were you expecting someone?" He asked, looking at the door to the bedroom for whatever reason.

Genya aimlessly blinked a few times as the genuine concern inside him increased. He didn't recall anyone he'd have to expect. Rarely anyone ever visited to even do something as little as greeting him. There was that one time where Mitsuri and Muichiro had to stay over, but that was a matter of last-second options. This was quite different.

"Hmm... no," he hesitantly drawled while looking up at the ceiling. "I'll go check it out,"

"I'm coming with you," Muichiro declared, getting up from the bed in haste.

Genya blankly folded his lips in wonder.

"What're you gonna wear?" He asked, arching an eyebrow.

Ding Dong

Ding Dong

"Whatever's in your closet," He deadpanned with a shrug. "I don't care about how big your clothes are on me. I used to wear your sweatshirts all the time," He faintly recalled.

Finally climbing out of the bed himself, Genya said, "Well if you say s-,"

Ding Dong

"Oh my goodness — we're fucking coming!"

Genya's eyes blared wide as he hastily ran over to Muichiro. Without warning, he abruptly placed a hand over his mouth with posthaste. He leaned over his shoulder with a sigh, hoping nothing else of such vulgar nature would come out of the smaller one's mouth. Muichiro rolled his eyes at the over dramatic reaction he received, and grabbed his wrist.

He removed Genya's hand from his mouth and said, "Let's just dress and go...,"

The taller one obliged, reaching into his own closet as well to hurriedly get dressed. If the two kept on slacking in their movements, the guest outta possibly leave. That outcome would pull a heavy weight off their shoulders, but it was still undeniably rude.

Ding Dong

"Alright, you ready?" Genya asked the smaller one, fully dressed himself.

Muichiro nodded, noticing the way Genya eyed him up and down at the sight of his new look.

He looks cute in that hoodie... he thought before mentally slapping himself out of it.

He then slapped himself out of it for slapping himself out of it, considering the fact that Muichiro was his boyfriend, and he could finally think of him that way. It's not like he was unable to have that opinion while they weren't dating. He just believed it was less of an embarrassing thought while they were.

Eventually, they found themselves at the front door of the abode. Genya hesitantly walked up to the door knob. He brought his hand up to unlock it, all the while backing the smaller one behind him with his other hand.

"I don't need protection," Muichiro snarled in a hushed tone.

He crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Shhh," Genya sibilated, opening the front door ever so slightly.

From what he was able to perceive from just that tiny creak alone was the light blue streaks of highlighted hair. Strands of locks that resembled that of Muichiro's. Just the sight of the unexpected appearance had sent shivers down his spine. He turned around to face Muichiro who looked at him back anxiously.

"Wh-what's going on... who is it?" He sputtered, apprehensively tucking strands of his hair behind his ear.

Genya sighed, far too hesitant in his actions to reclose the door. He was afraid to open it as well all at the same time. There was nothing he could do alone in this situation. He needed to hear something from Muichiro. Anything at all to advise him on what to do next. He yearned to know.

"It's your brother...," He began, looking away from him to face the glare of the door. "Yuichiro,"

Muichiro nearly lost his mind.

Word Count: 1239

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