Yuichiro Tokito Pt. 2

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Muichiro pulled open the front door, standing in front of Genya to approach his twin brother.

"Hey!" He greeted with a sarcastic smile, leaning against the rectangular frame.

He crossed his arms together, noticing the peculiar attire Yuichiro was dressed in. From head to toe, he was suited up in a white fluffy robe. It was clearly expensive as the luxury brand was exposed in smooth gold printing. Just looking at the pattern had Muichiro feeling quite envious. Especially after the other had taken something he truly loved away from him months back, all he found himself doing was despising his blessings.

He almost couldn't help it.

"Did... did you two just fuck?" Yuichiro asked, subtly backing away. "I could come back later," he murmured.

Muichiro and Genyas' mouths flew agape in surprise, obviously taken aback by the unexpected question. Knitting their eyebrows together, the two looked at each other as if trying to converse telepathically. Who would've known somebody they knew could determine what they've been up to as of late just by a simple gaze? Whatever the answer might've been, the point is, they didn't expect it from Yuichiro at the very least. They didn't really expect anyone to speak up on that matter. Was it not awkward?

"Oh — umm... I... haha, what makes you think that?" Muichiro asked nervously with an arch of his eyebrow.

Yuichiro shrugged as if it was obvious, looking carefully at the details.

"I mean, Mui you look a mess," He explained, clearly perceiving the visible nest of hair on his head. "And what is that on your ne-?"

"Yuichiro, why are you here?" He suddenly snapped. "And who told you I was at Genya's?"

Yuichiro rolled his eyes.

"Who said I was coming for you?" He hinted, looking up at Genya who blatantly looked away.

Muichiro creased his eyebrows, clearly taken aback by the malicious admission from his brother. For a tiny moment, he actually began to lose the suspicion still lingering in his heart concerning his brother. Nonetheless, that ounce of hope was gone as well. Yuichiro had failed him. He was still pining for Genya, and would possibly continue attempting to pursue that goal until he got what he wanted. Or at least, that's what Muichiro thought for the slightest bit.

"What the fuck, Yuichiro?" He asked, slightly walking up to him for a quarrel. "Is that seriously what you came here for; to hurt me again?"

Yuichiro shook his head, combing his hair with a hand as he sighed.

"Sorry, it was... it was a joke," he apologized, folding his lips together in guilt. "Not so funny after the mistake I made... I'm aware,"

"Oh my fu- I don't want to remember that," Muichiro hissed, pacing back and forth with a hand slapped against his head. "Just tell me why you're here,"

Yuichiro suddenly exhaled a pot of breath he didn't realize was trapped in his lungs for so long. He closed his eyes, reopening them with a subtle gulp to stare at his twin apprehensively.

"Fine fine, I will," He said, leisurely crossing his arms.

Muichiro tilted his head to the side, waiting patiently for the excuses he expected. That was all he ever heard from his brother.

"Mitsuri told me about your whereabouts," He explained, looking elsewhere for whatever reason. "And I... well — could I come inside?"

"Why?" Muichiro immediately asked, glaring at the other with keen eyes.

Yuichiro stood on his toes, falling back on his heels with a sigh. How could he go about saying what he wanted to say next?

"I just think it would be a lot more necessary to show you what I came here for than to tell you," He explained.

Muichiro furrowed his eyebrows, growing suspicious of the plans his brother had in mind. A hint of curiosity would also happen to be a part of how he was feeling in that very moment. Nonetheless, he couldn't just make any decision he wished to on his own. A brighter mind just so happened to be standing right behind him.

"Genya...," He addressed, turning around swiftly.

"Hm?" The taller one perched up as he noticed the smaller one.

"Can he?"

"Why're you asking me?" He queried, arching an eyebrow in defense.

"I don't know... maybe because it's your house?" He sarcastically suggested with a shrug.

Genya began to think for a moment, taking his suggestion into consideration. He definitely wasn't so sure about letting Yuichiro into his abode. It just wasn't the smartest idea as it passed as more of a mistake. Of course, he didn't want to appear rude. Yet, how could he go about this situation?

"I mean, I guess," He hesitated, looking away with a sigh.

Yuichiro nodded, noticing the visible expression of regret planted on the taller one's face. Obviously, there were similar things he regretted as well. Things the two partook in together, and would continue to regret for the remainder of their lives. Because throughout it all, they both managed to hurt the same person. There was one thing the two learned from that confrontation. It would never happen again.

Pushing those deafening thoughts out of his head, he followed the two inside. Muichiro dragged him to the living room where he promised to begin the show. It was nothing much. Yet, it would begin to reveal a lot about him and what he was going through. All he truly needed was somebody to talk to. Why wouldn't that somebody be his blood brother? Even throughout all of the trials and tribulations they've been through together it would still only make sense.

As much as he dared not show it, Muichiro was a pretty forgiving person. It usually always took him a while to come to terms with most situations, but in the end it all came together. Just like how he happened to fall for Genya all over again with only the help of a movie script. Sorta cliche amongst actors.

"Umm...," Yuichiro began as they'd finally reached the living room. "I'm not really comfortable with Genya being here,"

Muichiro tilted his head to the side, crossing his arms in suspicion. After all, there was a time when his twin brother was a little bit too comfortable with Genya being beside him. So, the switch-up was a little tricky. However, the ample amount of trust he still had for his replica remained for the most part.

"Oh well, I'm just here for Muichiro's safety," Genya defended as he decreased the gap he had between himself and his lover.

Yuichiro scoffed.

"Oh... ok. Muichiro's safety," he mocked. "Guess I'm the monster here,"

"Are you gonna show us what you're here for, or not?" Muichiro suddenly snapped, folding his arms in irritance.

Yuichiro huffed, glaring at the two with half-lidded eyes. With a sigh, he aimlessly looked down at his body. Hesitantly, he leisurely began to loosen his robe until the subject he wished to expose was revealed.

Muichiro's eyes grew wide in surprise at his boldness. He stood on his toes, hastily putting a hand over Genya's eyes in fret of what was to come. His blood began to boil. It was happening all over again. After all these months, his twin brother was yet to have an ounce of remorse for what he did. However, Muichiro was saddened to witness the fact that none remained. It left him shattered at the thought that he could've at least had the tiniest bit of faith in him for the time being. Unfortunately, even that amount of trust failed to last.

"Yuichiro, are you serio-,"

"Muichiro...," Yuichiro began, bending the top of his robe to show his chest ever so slightly. "I need you to help me," he quavered.

Muichiro stared in shock, appalled in reaction to the sight he was beholding. He watched as Yuichiro proceeded to display more and more of his skin, avoiding the sensitive or inappropriate parts of his torso. This wasn't a scheme or anything. It wasn't even close to something blatantly dishonest. It was simply a cry for help.

Littered on Yuichiro's chest and abdomen were layers upon layers of egregious bruises.

Word Count: 1366

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