Uh Oh... (Pt. 2)

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⚠️ Slightly detailed sexual scenes coming up! ⚠️


Yuichiro breathed into the entrance of my lips, backing up into the bedroom door behind him with much force. In an instant, it opened, and all of a sudden I had a clear idea of the erotic actions we would be living out.

However, as irresponsible as I was, I refused to stop, completely erasing every memory I had of my current lover at the time. Instead, the hands that once resided on Yuichiro's torso, skimmed down to his thighs, squeezing them with every aching breath. He moaned at the risqué embrace, biting my bottom lip before departing from our lengthy kiss.

I attempted kissing him back and pursuing the session, however, I was halted in my actions. He stopped me, laying a hand on my chest to look me in the eyes earnestly. I was hunched over his figure, against the duvet of the queen sized bed — both fists on either side of his body. The change in his lips was rather visible as they'd increased in both size and hue.

We'd been making out for quite a while now. His lips were a completely different shade of pink. I would regret it later, but for the current moment I felt somewhat proud.

Suddenly, Yuichiro scooched out from under me, walking over to the dresser a meter away from us. He then turned around, and looked me in the eye, before looking back at the marital ring on his finger. His former emotion of satisfaction would quickly change into one of fret.

I knew this would happen. I knew there would be a subtle hint of regret in all of this. Yet, I couldn't stop.

The ever increasing desire of lust in my heart refused to cease as my eyes skimmed down his toned figure. The figure Muichiro always trusted telling me he envied without any realization that I'd be fucking every inch of it in the end. I was about to diminish all of his self esteem, confidence, and self acceptance because of blood rush and utter selfishness.

No matter how much I tried telling myself that, I only disappointed myself more as Yuichiro hesitantly wiped the ring clean off his finger, and placed it gently onto the dresser. It was at that very moment he scrutinized every detail of the ring after placing it down that I started to feel some sense of guilt.

What were we doing?

No, what was I doing?

Oh that's right; I was hurting Muichiro. And, I was doing it successfully.


I instantly woke up to a sudden scream from across the room. I groaned, rather annoyed from whoever had the nerve to be making such noise so early in the morning. It shot through the holes of my ears — from one to the other and revived me. The early morning light from the window swam through the curtains and caressed my face, establishing a feeling of both heat and heaven.

Jolting my eyes open, I arose from my slumber and faced the door from which the noise would come from in confusion. Unfortunately, the confusion would grow as what was before me was much uncalled for. I had to blink a few times and uncover the sleepy blur from my pupils before taking a second glance.

It was Yuichiro. Except, Yuichiro was right here next to me, resting after a sleepless night of sexual events and activities. Or at least, he was once resting. As expected, he'd awakened as well from the screeching noise from the one at the door. To which I'd come to suddenly realize that he was none other than Muichiro facing me with the most heartbroken facial expression I'd ever have to experience looking at throughout the entirety of my career.

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