Unfortunate Rejection

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Muichiro grazed the ceiling with his eyes slowly. His eyes traced every living pattern that complimented the ceiling in total. An utter feeling occupied him greatly as he visualized a brighter room where it wasn't so dark; boredom.

He wished to escape the mansion he would be sleeping in that night — possibly, considering it was far past midnight and his eyes haven't closed once, not even to blink.  He was clearly restless, but awake.

However, he couldn't escape as Mitsuri very obviously had the keys to her own car. It would be rude to take them and suddenly evanescence without a trace. Muichiro knew that all too well. Yet, if he had to eat breakfast with that tall, handsome actor he called a snob, it would be so very intolerable for his nerves. He wouldn't.

Before he could escalate his thoughts any further, he would be interrupted by the slight opening of the guest bedroom door. Instantly, a slim streak of minion yellow slid through the creaks and out the crack of a minor gap in the doorway. A head popped out from the entry, nearing the top as they loomed over, introducing their presence.

Muichiro groaned in response, turning over in the duvet he would be temporarily sleeping in, and facing the wall from the other side of the room. He covered the rest of his head with the sheets, further enhancing the tone of his almost completely visible annoyance that couldn't possibly be ignored. 

Yet, the looming head at the entrance of the door, would soon enough expose the remainder of its body, and reveal that it was a human as well. Said body walked into the room and sat onto the office chair resting in the cubicle at the corner of the room.

Muichiro tightened the gripping close of his eyes, now creasing the corner of them, and possibly his lids in total. He then jolted them open, looking wide eyed at the slate across from him — the wall.

With a disgruntled sigh, he said, "Genya, I don't have time for this. I'm not arguing with you anymore, so you can just-,"

"This is my office," he interrupted, now looking at the bed Muichiro laid in with a rather concerning look on his face. "Not a bedroom."

Now, Muichiro was forced to be curious himself. He arched an eyebrow, getting up from his laying position to a more upright one. With his knees still flexed, he arched his back releasing every nerving tension that resided within his body. He sighed, bending his knees completely and bringing them to his chest. He rested his arms onto his knees, along with his head on top of the other and stared straight at the taller one who would reciprocate the action.

"What are you doing with a bed in your office?" He asked embarrassingly, as to make the mix up appear more as Genya's fault rather than anyone else's.

"I get lazy sometimes," He retorted, however, with less of the sass a retort requires.

Muichiro muffled a laugh, closing his eyes and stuffing his head into his arms.

"You're still as funny as I remember," He admitted.

Slowly but surely enough, Genya would register that as a compliment. Ever since their break-up, he didn't receive an ample amount of those from Muichiro. In fact, he got none of them at all.

He was flattered.

In response, his face would heat up only slightly, failing to leave any source of visibility, such as a natural blush. He had to scrutinize the mini mirror alongside him on the office table just to double check that he wasn't letting his guard down; to which he wasn't.

"Oh really?" He asked, genuinely awaiting for a response.

Except, he didn't get one. Muichiro stayed silent, now looking up at the body mirror across from him at the side of the room. He sighed, slowly releasing the duvet from the rest of his body, and leisurely walking over to the object he once noticed.

In front of the mirror, he would turn around, surveying his back that arched normally like every other healthy human. He then turned back to the original, now facing himself from the front. He slightly lifted up his shirt, not revealing much, but pinching the subtle space that was revealed. To his expectance, there was maybe an inch of fat that would fill both hands by a quarter.

If he wanted to remain in the entertainment industry, there was supposed to be none...

"I don't get it...," He exclaimed.

"Get what?" Genya asked responsively, averting his gaze from the desktop in front of him to face Muichiro in alarm. "What're you doing?" He asked additionally, now arching an eyebrow in concern.

"Is she actually right?" The smaller one pleaded, feeling rather disappointed in himself. "Should I actually go on a diet... but I don't want to,"

He fell to the floor, helpless, with both legs crossed onto one another.

"It's so stupid — no, she's so stupid."

It went quiet for a while as Genya thought up something to say. He bit his lip, looking away from Muichiro in thought.

"Erm... I like your body," He finally said out loud, before shaking his head in embarrassment. "I actually... I like — no, love you. I still do,"

There was little response. Maybe a grunt of confirmation, but nothing else would come out of the smaller one. Once again, silence invaded the room. Except, this time, it wasn't awkward. It was tranquil. Surprisingly, they were at peace with the situation, and remained in their own thoughts for the time being. Muichiro wouldn't say 'I love you too' as he truthfully didn't, but somebody did say something else that night.

It was a pretty fast suggestion, if that's what you want to call it, but it happened alright. It definitely did.

"I think we should start again. Maybe if we-,"


Muichiro quickly clasped his mouth with both hands, feeling a sudden surge of guilt for the haste rejection he concluded. He turned over to look at Genya who looked away, and instantly, his eyes dimmed like a sad puppies would when they didn't get their Scooby snack. He quickly shook his head, and got up, hesitating walking forward to the taller build across from him.

"Genya, I... I'm sorry. I just...," He paused, looking for any excuse that would assist him, to which there was none. "No... just no,"

"It's ok, I got the message," Genya responded, refusing to turn around for one word.

He looked straight at his blank computer with little emotion. It was clear he got the message — the point — the word. Whatever you want to call it.

Muichiro would barely even attempt to read the thoughts the taller one proceeded to think. He had a clear and honest feeling they were ill.

He would feel bad for every single one of them.

Word Count: 1123

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