Brotherly Bickering

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Yuichiro lunged at Muichiro, going straight for the phone in his grasp. Despite the fact that this was the only known way to save himself, it was the last thing he wanted for his brother to do. Apparently, he didn't want to add an issue on top of another one.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you!" He shouted, tugging at the top half of the phone.

Muichiro held onto it tightly, refusing to lose his strong grip for even as little as a second. His brother's wails didn't concern the actual seriousness of the situation. It was clear that he was still in the phase of being taken advantage of just by the way he begged and pleaded.

110, what's your emergency?

The two ignored the query of the dispatcher and continued to physically quarrel. Eventually, with enough power, Yuichiro finally took hold of the phone. In anger, he threw it to the floor behind him against its case. 

Regardless of how irritated he was at the moment, he wasn't out to destroy somebody else's property. Let alone his own brothers, for that matter.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Muichiro shouted, getting up from the couch and shoving Yuichiro.

Yuichiro shoved him back and said, "Call the cops, and you'll ruin my life." He wrinkled his eyebrows. "You've already done enough."

Has he though? Everything about this was going wrong. Originally, Muichiro thought his brother had initially visited the abode for an additional attempt at seduction. It was at the very moment he walked through the doors that he realized the hatred he still had for his brother remained. It'd never left. 

At the end of the day, however, Yuichiro is still his brother. In spite of what he may think he feels towards him, those brotherly feelings never change. Regardless of how things may turn out. Just looking at the situation right now, it's clear to say Muichiro never truly hated his brother. In fact, all he yearned to do at the moment was to rescue him of his harsh living and turn his life around.

He didn't want to hear that he was ruining him. That was the last thing he'd have Yuichiro tell him if he truly had the choice. Nothing could've prepared him for this day. And yet, he could still sense these events from a mile away. Maybe not in the specifics, but in the sense that he'd eventually approach confrontation.

"Like what?" He pondered.

In spite of being serious, you could still taste the sarcasm in his voice. It wasn't his intention to sound so sardonic. However, Yuichiro was hasty enough to take that as an advantage for his resentment as if it hadn't already existed.

"Exactly...," He began, stifling his tears. "You don't even care,"

Muichiro closed his face with his hands, drenching his palms in tears. He couldn't stand to hear his brother anymore or to feel guilty about things long gone in the past. He wanted to finalize every idle thought and memory with a singular word.

"I'm sorry, okay!?" He screeched, grabbing at his hair miserably. "I'm sorry I took your stupid fucking spotlight. You can have it! Here, have it all... do you think I want this!?"

He kept going.

"I've spent all of these years trying to follow up with you, even after you committed all of your sins against me. But, no! Instead you block me on everything with a heart filled of disgust and agony, and I. Am. Sorry! I am! Because apparently I have to be sorry for saving you from hell. This industry is hell! But I'm sorry, because I have to be. Because you want me to be, and you're my brother."

He looked up to the ceiling, blinking back his remaining tears and clearing his throat.

"Everything I ever wanted in a brother,"

Yuichiro huffed, crossing his arms together in an emotional pain. Something about the words his brother spoke appeared more physical than verbal. Almost as if they were spiking him in the chest. Not only that, but the meaning behind them. The background, and context Muichiro hid away for the longest. His true feelings. All for Yuichiro.

It was somewhat overwhelming. And as Muichiro fell to his knees, Yuichiro followed after. The two shared their tears as if they were brothers again. Because in spite of all they've done to each other, they always would be.

We'll... be sending an officer.

Muichiro raised his head up, reaching for his phone before bringing it to his bottom lip.

"Nevermind, it's ock-,"

"Just let it happen...," Yuichiro interrupted, wiping at his tears.

He finally came to accept what this had come to. Despite all of the commotion this might bring throughout the media, it was worth the outcome. Behind all of the commotion was love. A love so strong that nothing possible could break it.

This brotherly love they had for each other.

A love that can last forever.

Word Count: 841

Next chapter is the epilogue. Stay tuned~ 😁

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