Plotting Shinobu

512 26 48

Just some insight on the film they're acting out on before the chapter begins: It's a bl J-drama 😭.


"I don't know," Mitsuri answered rather suspiciously before setting her makeup kit aside.

She wasn't very subtle concerning her nervousness as she furrowed her eyebrows and plastered an awkward smile across her lips. As much as Genya wanted to believe her, he would have to acknowledge her low credibility from past occurrences. She wasn't trustworthy for the most part. Upon realizing that, he would begin to register something else. Something quite obvious.

Muichiro could only be mad at Mitsuri for one reason. Genya knew that far too well. There weren't a lot of things that Mitsuri could do to get someone, let alone Muichiro, frustrated. Except, for something quite obvious that he was soon to be aware of.

"Wait Mitsuri, did you...," He paused, looking the smaller woman straight in the eye. "Who did you tell?"

"Hm?" She frowned, forcing a confused expression.

However, that wouldn't work on Genya Shinazugawa who had far too much experience on detective work than his fans would've imagined. That's besides the point. When Genya earned a suspicion, he earned answers as well. If Mitsuri refused to give them to him, he would seek them out through another.

Trust, he had a clear idea of what occurred before he arrived. He doesn't know how he came to the conclusion that Mitsuri might've said a thing or two, but he was proud he did. He wasn't as mad at her as Muichiro might've been however. He only wanted to fully confirm it.

"Don't worry about it," He addressed. "I have to be on set now,"

And with that, he found himself hastily walking away, and into the set room.

The moment his feet landed on the wooden tiles, he was immediately trapped in the room of several eyes.

Yeah, I'm definitely late, he thought to himself.

All participants in the room looked straight at him in unison. He was only able to distinguish Shinobu's insect pupils from the rest of them. They stared at him differently — almost mockingly. As if trying to tell him something.

At first, he would ignore it, refusing to look into it too much. Regardless of whether or not it had something to do with the makeup closet situation, it could always be saved for later. After all, he was still on the job. He would worry about any hassles afterwards. Yet, for now, he was focused on the money maker behind it all.

Shrugging every lingering suspicion off, he hopped onto the set with haste and stood aside Muichiro who waited patiently.

"How long have you been waiting here?" He asked Muichiro, yet looked off into the abyss as if he were asking somebody else.

Muichiro looked behind himself in concern as to who the question was directed towards before looking back at Genya. Knitting his eyebrows together, he brought a finger to his chest as if to say "who me?" to which the taller one would respond with a nod.

"Oh, well um...," He began to answer, looking away. "Long enough for you to arrive,"

Genya rolled his eyes, shoving Muichiro by the side with his shoulder in annoyance. Muichiro shoved him back, obviously unfazed, yet proving otherwise. The two continued to subtly shove each other like immature teenagers — each push getting slightly harder than the last one.

Noticing this, Shinobu placed a hand on her forehead and slowly shook it disappointingly. One second she hears that the two fucked, and the next, they were suddenly enemies still arguing for whatever reason unbeknownst to her. She crossed her legs at the sight of the two before grabbing her megaphone beside her. She looked around the room, making sure that everyone was in their designated places, and every prop was aligned.

With a sigh of relief, she brought her megaphone to her mouth. She stared directly at the two before her intently, bringing their pupils towards her in preparation to make a statement.

"You guys do know this is your sex scene, right?" She asked with the arch of an eyebrow.

The two both nodded in unison, staring at each other before looking back at the director.

"So... you remember your lines?'

"There are none," Genya corrected firmly.

A wide smirk occupied Shinobu's lips.

"Aha! Trick question," She admitted, flipping through some pages on the script packet. "Silent sex. I like it Tanjiro,"

The writer, that being Tanjiro, awkwardly smiled whilst looking at the two sorrowfully. Shinobu looked away from the packet to the two in front of her in concern. She knitted her eyebrows together curiously — almost knowingly.

"Say... you lot don't seem so nervous," She began. "Y'all almost seem used to it,"

Muichiro jolted, looking around himself for anyone who might've heard. He wasn't ready to get exposed yet again. Once was already too many times in a day.

"Shut up, Shinobu," He whisper-shouted, subtly moving away from the taller one beside him as to further enunciate their 'overness'. "We're just not awkward, because we're obviously not going to actually fuck,"

Muichiro was right. Obviously, Genya wasn't actually intending to put it in. The second the two plopped onto the bed all into it and what not, the scene would be instantly cut off. Afterwards, they'd remove half of their clothes, sink into the sheets of the bed, and film a wake up scene. That was the expected act out of the situation.

"Alright, whatever helps you sleep at night. Just get into your places," Shinobu demanded with a roll of her eyes.

Muichiro groaned followed by a low sigh from Genya as he trailed behind him towards their places. The sex scene was the first one they were filming that day. Any major slip ups would further waste their time, and it could possibly lead to the scene being the only one getting filmed. Just about everyone in the room would discourage that outcome, but most of all, Muichiro would hate it the most.

He didn't have to worry though. It was simple enough to just accomplish a decent make out session in a dark area, fall onto the queen-sized bed in the three wall room, and cue the all so suspenseful cut off.


Or so they thought.

Word Count: 1056

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