Welcome To Haven

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Y/n's POV

I was walking along a small trail when I asked Salem "Where are we going?" "Why my dear, we're going to find a girl named Ruby Rose." Salem replied. "Why?" Salem didn't respond. I looked down at the ground and my ears folded back as I continued to walk. I bumped in to a boy who was going along the main trail that I was merging onto. We both let out a small yelp as we fell to the ground. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I exclaimed as I looked up towards him. "It's fine. I wasn't looking where I was going either." the boy said. I looked at him and a small blush spread across my checks. There was a short silence between us before he said, "What's your name?" "Y-Y/n." I stuttered out. "Y/n. That's a nice name. I'm Oscar. Nice to meet you!" he said. "You too." I said as I got up. I extended my hand towards him to help him up. "Hey, do you know a girl named Ruby Rose?" Oscar asked me as I pulled him to his feet. "No. I'm looking for her though." I said. "Strange. So am I. Do you want to team up to find her?" he said. "Sure!" I replied chipperly. We started to walk down the path, going to where ever we were going.

~~time skip~~

"Hey, can I tell you a secret?" Oscar asked to break the silence. "Of course!" I said. "Do you know about a man named Ozpin?" he responded. "Yeah. Wasn't he the headmaster of Beacon?" I said. "Yeah. He was, but his soul has started to merge with mine." Oscar said. I stopped in my tracks and looked down. "I understand what you're going through." I said. "What?" he asked. "Salem's soul has started to merge with mine. She's just there. Always in my ear." I said. Oscar smiled at me. I looked up and saw a Grimm behind Oscar. My eyes narrowed as I flipped out my butterfly knives. I used my semblance and charged towards the Grimm. I jumped over Oscar and stabbed the Grimm. It vaporized and my clones disappeared. I put my butterfly knives back on my belt. Oscar looked at me, fear in his eyes. "What did you just do?" he asked. "Oh! That's my semblance. I can make clones of myself and they'll do what ever I do, but if they're hit they'll disappear." I said. Oscar stared at me in disbelief. "We should keep moving." I said. "Y-Yeah. Let's go." Oscar said. We continued on the path, going where ever the path took us.

~~time skip~~

We were approaching a bar when Oscar spoke up. "I think that we need to find a man named Qrow." "Huh. I feel like I know that name even though I've never met the man." I said. "Same. Anyway, let's head in." Oscar said as we opened the doors. We had a little trouble getting in but we managed to get through. We approached a man with a tattered marron cape and a weapon on his back. "Excuse me." Oscar said as he walked up to the man. I just leaned in the doorway with my arms crossed. "Y'know, I don't think they allow kids in here pip-squeak." the man said. "Shut up, I'm getting there." Oscar said. I think that Ozpin was talking to him. "Um... I'm supposed to tell you, I'd like my cane back?" Oscar said. The man smiled and stood up. He held up what looked like the hilt of a weapon. "It's good to see you again, Oz." the man said. He tossed the hilt to Oscar and it extended. Oscar looked at it confused for a moment then looked up at the man. It was then that the man noticed me. "Who are you?" he asked accusingly. "Stay silent!" Salem hissed. I gave a small nod. "Wait. Let me guess. You're the reincarnation of Salem?" the man said. I nodded. "Yep." I said. He just nodded to himself.

~~time skip~~

We approached a large door. Oscar looked at me. I shrugged and he knocked. There was a long silence before someone opened the door. The guy who answered the door looked over at his friends. The girl shrugged. "Can I help you?" the guy said. "Um... Yeah." Oscar said. "Is there a Ruby Rose here?" I asked. The two other people in the room stood up. "Why?" one of them asked. "Well..." Oscar started to say. "I found 'em!" Qrow exclaimed as he came up behind us and wrapped an arm around each of our shoulder's. Oscar and I almost lost our balance. Qrow laughed and walked into the room. "I think her uncle could use some help." I said. Qrow fell onto one of the couches. "Found 'em." he said to himself. "What is going on out there?!" a muffled voice yelled. A girl with a red cloak stormed into the room. "Can't a girl read her comics in peace?" she said. She looked over at Qrow and facepalmed. "Qrow, did you get drunk again?" she said. "Maybe." Qrow responded. Oscar took a few steps forward. "You... have silver eyes." he remarked. There was a short pause before the girl spoke up. "Who are you guys?" she asked. "Uh... Well, my name is Oscar Pine," Oscar said. "I'm Y/n L/n," I said as I walked up next to Oscar. "Wait for it..." Qrow said. "You probably know me as, Professor Ozpin." Oscar said. "And you most likely know me as Salem." I said. Everyone except for Qrow gasped. Qrow started to laugh and he said, "I did it!" Then Qrow fell off the couch.

One Soul Away(Oscar Pine x Female Cat Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now