Dread in the Air

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3rd POV

Arther walked into Professor Lionheart's office. "Are we ready?" he asked. Arther shut the door as he walked up to Lionheart's desk. There was a long silence before they exited the room. They walked down a corridor to a room with a ball of fire in the middle of it. "After you." Arther said as he shoved Lionheart up to the ball of fire. "Your grace. Are you there?" Lionheart said to the fire. An image of Cinder formed in the flames. "Hello Leonardo. Do you have something to report?" Cinder asked. "Of course ma'am. I would not waist your time if not." Lionheart said. "I'm still just fascinated by this ball of flames. Emerald dear, are we coming through? Can you see us clearly?" Arther asked. "Shut it." Emerald said. "Your report?" Cinder said with a demanding tone. "I... I found the spring maiden." Lionheart said. "Is that so? Well done." Cinder said. There was a short pause. "Arther. If I'd known you would be so useful, I would've sent you earlier." Cinder said as the ball of fire started to move toward Arther. "As much as I'd love to take credit ma'am, I can't say that either of us are to thank for this development. I guess you could say a little birdie told us." Arther said. "Go on." Cinder said, intrigued. "You see ma'am, Qrow Branwen arrived at Haven Academy earlier today. He believes spring has taken residence with his sisters tribe." Lionheart said. "Is the girl with him?" Cinder asked angerly. "Yes. Miss Rose was in attendance." Lionheart said. Cinder slammed her fist on the table. "And you know where the tribe is?" Cinder asked. "Yes ma'am! But you have to hurry! Qrow is already at Oz-" Lionheart got his sentence cut off by a bit of the fire burning his neck. "Leonardo. Do you remember the first time we met? I remember. I remember your fear. But, since that day you've been very brave. I won't forget all you've done for me. Don't forget what I can do to YOU." Cinder said, venom with every word. The fire left Lionheart's neck but he had a bad burn. "Emerald, you get the rest of the team get ready to go meet with Arther, and together we'll convince Raven Branwen that the survival of her people depends on her corporation. Tell Hazel that he will be able to destroy Haven." Cinder said. "Understood." Arther said as he started to walk away. "Arther. It seems Tyrian needs a new tail." Cinder said. 'What happened to his old one?" Arther asked. "The silver eyed girl." Cinder said. "It will be done." Arther said. Cinder smirked and the image disappeared. 


all of this is just lore basically. if u have questions, plz ask

One Soul Away(Oscar Pine x Female Cat Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now