The Grimm Reaper

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Y/n's POV

Someone gently shook me awake. It was Oscar. I saw that Ruby was on her scroll. She talked with whoever it was and held her scroll up. We continued up the hill that we were on and we saw a beautiful city. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Argus." Yang said. We went down into the city. We were waiting for everyone else. Oscar and I looked around in wonder. "Cute boy Oz!" I heard someone say. That got Oscar's attention. Nora came in a tackled him to the ground. Ren, Jaune, and Zeke came to us soon after. "Are you okay? We were all so worried." Ren said as he hugged Yang. Zeke went and hugged Blake and Jaune came and hugged me. "It's been a crazy trip." Yang said. "That's an understatement." Weiss said. I helped Oscar get up after being tackled by Nora. "Wait. Who's the old lady?" Nora asked while pointing to Maria. I just rolled my eyes. Zeke came up behind me and hugged me tight. So tight that I could barely breath. "Zeke, I can't breath." I said. "Sorry. Just happy to see my sister." Zeke said as he let go of me. We all walked away except for Ruby and Jaune. "It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be." Yang said as we rode on the tram. "It's actually one of largest non-capital cities in all of Remnant." Ren said. "No way! But wait, wouldn't it be hard to settle something this big away from the main kingdom?" Ruby asked. "It was. Until Mantel showed up." Zeke said. "Early settlement attempts by Mistral didn't go well, but colonists from Mantel were able to help them brave the cold climate and return for goods that solitude can provide." Jaune said. "The two nations worked together to create a hybrid city. While it still falls under Mistral's domain, Atlas keeps a military presence to help keep the people safe and to keep trade between the two nations steady." Ren said. "Well, until recently." Nora said. The tram stopped and we all got off. "We should probably start looking for a ship." Blake said. "So, where have you guys been staying?" I asked. "Uh..." Jaune started to say. "There you are!" a woman across the street said as she waved to Jaune. "Is that?" Yang asked. "Hey Saph." Jaune said to the woman across the street. Ruby was mesmerized by the small child. "I can't believe I'm meeting your sister! I have so many questions." Ruby said after we all went into Jaune's sister's house. "Oh, I can give you the rundown later." Saphron said. "Will you guys knock it off?" Jaune asked. "What? I love telling stories about my baby brother." Saphron said. "I am not a baby! That's a baby." Jaune said, pointing to the small child on the floor. Yang and Weiss were basically drooling over him. "So, Saphron. You're the only Arc living here?" Blake asked. "Yep. Moved the second I could. Jaune and I are the only two who are living away from home. I guess he just wanted to be like his big sis." Saphron said. "I... uh..." Jaune started to say. "Aww. You didn't deny it." Saphron said. Just then the door opened. "Everyone, this is my wife, Terracotta." Saphron said. We all gave Terracotta a warm smile. "Why hello there. Wow, quite a party, you went kidding. Um, could I get some help please?" Terracotta asked. Saphron got up and went to the kitchen. "And you're sure it's alright if we stay with you?" Weiss asked. "Of course. We're happy to house Huntsmen and Huntresses. You all risked so much to keep people like us safe it's the lest we can do, especially for such an elite Huntsmen like yourself. Although I will say I was surprised to see you had students helping you. Is that even legal?" Terracotta said. Ruby elbowed Qrow. "Of course. Think of it as an extended training mission. Trust me I was a professor. Even went to the same academy as them, and let me tell you, these kids are way better than we were at their age. Well, not better than me, specifically but uh-" Qrow got cut off. "Shut up, there's food!" Ruby said. We all started to eat. "Excuse me, I'll be right back." Terracotta said as she got up. "Um, is everything okay?" Blake asked Saphron. "Oh, yeah it will be. Terra's a technician for the town's relay tower. Unfortunately the military's radar system is also housed there. Guess what's been on the frits lately and who's getting falsely blamed?" Saphron said. "Me." Terracotta whispered as she leaned into the room. "So, what's your plan for tomorrow?" Saphron asked. "Well, we're trying to make our way to Atlas. We'll probably start with the military base." Ruby said. "So, we kind of already tried that and it didn't go super great." Zeke said. "Come on, it couldn't be that bad." Yang said.

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