Haven's Fate

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Y/n's POV

The fight continued. "You guys okay?" Jaune asked Ren and Nora. "Surviving." Ren said. "I don't know how that big guy's still standing. He recharges his aura faster than we've ever seen." Nora said. Qrow flew by, turning back into a human. "He's sheer willpower." Qrow said. "We just need to get him to his limit." Ozpin said. Hazel took out the thing that Weiss created. The cat faunus that came in earlier bounced off Hazel and knocked him down. "Are you hurt?" the faunus asked. "No. I just remember you being more of the quiet one." Weiss said. "Not today." the faunus said. "Alright. What's the plan Ruby?" Weiss asked. Ruby shot at Lionheart. He ran into one of the hallways. "You've got to be kidding me." Mercury said. "Checkmate!" Ruby called. After a little bit of fighting, everyone was breathing heavy. "That's enough! Just give up." Ruby said. Mercury punched the ground. "It's not over! Cinder will come back. She'll have the relic and she'll stop all of you. She won't let us down." Emerald said. It was at that moment Yang rose up on the platform, holding the relic. "Yang." Ruby said. Emerald dropped to her hands and knees. "Emerald, get up, we need to go." Mercury said. Emerald yelled and summoned a huge version of Cinder. It dove at everyone. Once it passed everyone stood in fear. "What was that?" the faunus asked. "An illusion. That's an accurate one." Ozpin said. The faunus sighed as her family came in. "The police rounded up the remaining White Fang members. Haven is safe." her mom said. "Unfoutunatly, it appears that Adam escaped." her dad said. "It's okay. He was the only one to escape tonight. Those in the White Fang won't support a leader that abandons his people. He won't have their help after this. He'll have no one at all. And the White Fang will be left divided." a girl said. "We've been fighting amongst ourselves for too long. Perhaps it's time for a new brotherhood. A new family of faunus truly working towards a better world." the faunuses dad said. "They'll need a new leader." her mom said. The monkey faunus that was nearby turned the cat faunus towards everyone. Yang gave Qrow the relic. "What happened?" Qrow asked her. "I don't know exactly. When I got down there, Cinder was gone. Vernal was dead." Yang said. "And Raven?" Qrow asked. "Gone." Yang said. "Well, we're all glad you're still here." Qrow said. Ruby fell to her knees. "Are you okay?" Weiss asked. "I feel like I should be asking you guys." Ruby said. Yang went over to Ruby. "So, Blake. What're you doing here?" Ruby asked. "I-I... I was going to ask you three the same thing." the faunus said. "That's a looooong story." Ruby said. "Well, I'm not going anywhere." the faunus said. "That's all that matters. That we're all here together, right?" Ruby said. There was a short pause. "Yeah." Yang said. I was able to take back control. I was on my knees. My hand was to where my cut was. I wiped some of the blood off my face. I was breathing heavy. Oscar was clutching his side. "I don't know how but we did it, guys. You okay?" Qrow asked. "I'm fine." I said weakly. "Kids?" Qrow asked. "They're resting. To much energy fighting." Oscar said. "Hey, don't strain yourselves." Qrow said. "No. They had a message." I said. "We must get the lamp to Atlas." Oscar said. I passed out.

3rd POV

Y/n hit the ground, hard when she passed out. Qrow looked up at everyone else in the room. Qrow stood up and looked at the lamp. It was pulsating a blue light.

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