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Y/n's POV

Oscar and I had gone to a small village. We were both sitting in silence until an older man came out of his house and he had a bowl. I looked up. The man thrusted the bowl towards me. I took the bowl and had a small sip. The man motioned for me to hand it to Oscar. I nodded and gave the bowl to Oscar. He took a small sip and handed it back to the man. "Thank you." I said. The man smiled and nodded then walked off. "Heads up." Ozpin said. An Atlas airship flew overhead. I stood up and grabbed my knifes. The door opened and Ruby was waving at us. "Need a lift?" she called. I sighed. We boarded the ship. "I was stupid to think the General would listen. Every choice I've made was the wrong one." Oscar said. "Oscar, it was our choice. I'm half of the stupidity. Now..." I said as my ears folded back. I just looked out the window at the hellscape that Mantle had become. "We all did what we thought was best. I'm just glad you're alright." Ruby said. Joanna was waving at us. "I see you." Zeke said as he steered the ship down. "Inside. Hurry." Joanna said. We walked into the room where everyone else was. Nora stood up. She went over and hugged Oscar. Blake stood up too. She started to walk over to me. I was confused to say the least. Blake hugged me and I tensed up. This had never happened before. I eventually was able to relax my shoulders and hug her back. Blake broke the hug. "When we heard you went off after Ironwood on your own we..." she trailed off. "How did you end up down in the Slums?" Weiss asked. "It's a... long story. I get the feeling there's been a few of those today." Oscar said. "You're not going to tell them?" Salem asked. You and I aren't done talking yet I said to her through my thoughts. "Where's... Qrow?" I asked. "We don't know. The last we heard he was with Robin and..." Ruby said. "Alright. Your friends are back now. You ready to work?" Joanna asked as she walked to the middle of the room. She sighed. "The largest Grimm hoard ever seen is hovering over the tundra and out there is a city full of people with no heat, and from what you told us, no more military protection. And while we're happy to give you guys a place to lie low for a while, it's time to get those people some help." Joanna said. "How? Ironwood is stopping all evacuations to Atlas, and we can't get them out of the city with Cinder's forces surrounding us." Ren said. "The crater, beneath Atlas. It's not safe, but it's warm, and with everyone in one place we can do a better job protecting them. May can send you where you're needed most. We've got to get everyone down in that crater before nightfall. In the Slums we might have a chance." Joanna said. She walked off. "We're never going to sleep again. I just know it." Weiss said. "Either you're helping or you're baggage." Joanna said. "We need to get out there and do what we can for Mantle." Yang said. "We need to do what we can for everyone. What about Animy? And telling the world about Cinder? We can't do this alone. We need help." Ruby said. "Ruby's right. The Happy Huntresses are handling the evacuation better than we could, and there's a bigger picture." Blake said. "But Animy isn't even finished. It was still under construction." Yang said. "Doctor. What would we need to launch Animy now?" Ruby asked. "We made decent progress on construction and fuel connection. All potentially manageable, but, Animy was designed so it couldn't launch itself without first being granted clearance from General Ironwood's terminal." Pietro said. "Ruby, there is no way Ironwood will cooperate with us." Yang said. "But he doesn't have to. We just need the green light from his terminal, right?" Ruby asked. "You want to go back to the academy?" Yang asked. "Uh, actually, there is more than one terminal. The one in his office and one in the main Alisian Military Compound, at the base of the city. You'll have to get into the compound somehow to get inside the operations room and then, whoo boy, I might need to think about this some more." Pietro said. "And just to clarify, this is the easy option?" Oscar asked. "What you're saying it can't be done. It's pointless, and even if you got the message out there's no guarantee help would come." Yang said. "It's not pointless! Atlas is only Cinder's current target. She's not hiding anymore, and once she's done here she'll move on to the rest of Remnant. We need to warn them!" Ruby said. "Ruby, when we came here we said we'd follow your lead, but things haven't exactly worked out." Yang said. Everyone went quiet. "I just-" Yang got cut off. "There are people here who need us right now. That's something we can actually do." Ren said. "But this isn't about just Atlas. Ruby's right. It's about all of Remnant. They need to know in Vacuo, in Mistral, in Vale, what's coming so they can prepare." Nora said. "Okay, okay. Then let's go for both. Getting Animy up and running and evacuating Mantle." Jaune said. "But that's how Cinder got this far, by dividing us. We have to stick together." Ruby said. "No. What Cinder wants is to turn us against each other. Just like this. Jaune has a point. We can work separately and still be united." I said. "Or... let me take the relic to Cinder. And maybe she will call off her attack on the kingdom." Penny said. "I don't think we can trust Cinder to actually do that. The moment she uses the staff to create anything else Atlas falls onto Mantle." Oscar said. "Nobody's turning over to anybody. I think that's the one thing we can all agree on." Yang said. "Okay. Then I guess we're going to Atlas. Can you help us get to the terminal?" Ruby asked Pietro. "I... suppose someone needs to help you bypass security." Pietro said. "I'll go." Penny said. "Penny, we can't risk-" Pietro was cut off. "I'll go." Penny said more sternly. Yang sighed. "Do what you gotta do. I'm going out there to see what I could do." Yang said. "Yang." Pietro said. He tossed her a pair of keys. "Go by the pharmacy. I was developing some new tools for you all before this happened. You're gonna need them." Pietro said. "Nora?" Ren asked. "I'm going with Ruby." Nora said. "But what about Mantle?" Ren asked. "Oh, I am saving Mantle because I actually believe we can do this." Nora said.

~~time skip~~

Yang, Ren, and Zeke were all standing in an ally in Mantle. They were waiting for Jaune, Oscar, and me. We walked up to them and nodded.

One Soul Away(Oscar Pine x Female Cat Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now