Ace Operatives

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Y/n's POV

"Apologies for the mess and for holding on for your weapons for so long. Some of the upgrades you requested were, well, they were more than I anticipated." Pietro said as we walked into a room. "All your weapons and armor should be as requested but I also took the liberty of reviewing your combat footage from the Vital Festival to make some additional enhancements I had planned to suggest, but for now things should certainly be well enough." he said. I grabbed the box that had my knifes and belt were in it and I opened it. I saw that one of my knifes had a new button that I hadn't requested. I grabbed them and put them back on my belt and put my belt on again. Eh, I'll find out what it does later I thought. "Y/n, do you mind coming here for a minute?" Pietro asked. "Sure." I said. I followed him into a large room. "This... looks like a training room." I said. "It is. I wanted you to test something for me." Pietro said. "What is it?" I asked. "Get out Divine Light." he said. I nodded and grabbed my knifes and turned them into Divine Light. I tested the new holster on my belt where I could put Divine Light when I was running or something. Sure enough, it worked. I took it back off my belt. "Push that new button." Pietro said. I did and both blades of Divine Light looked like they were on fire but they were different colors. One end was f/c while the other one was s/f/c. The 'fire' dissipated after a few moments. I was a little shocked to say the least. I had my suspicions so I swung one end of Divine Light downward. A beam of f/c followed the swing and went out in front of me. It disappeared after a little bit. I swung the lower end of Divine Light up and a beam of s/f/c followed that swing. My original request was just to have a shield that appeared when I spun Divine Light. I spun Divine Light in front of me and sure enough, a sort of shield appeared with f/c and s/f/c mixed. I stopped spinning it and turned it back into my knifes. "Wow. Thank you so much!" I said as I put my knifes back on my belt. "No problem!" Pietro said. We went back into the room where everyone else was.

~~time skip~~

I had been given a scroll earlier since I didn't have one. Ruby had given Oscar and I the lamp before everyone left. Oscar had it this time. We were left behind, so we decided to train since we didn't have anything else to do. I lead Oscar to the training room. "Woah. This room is huge." he said. "I think that's kinda the point." I said. "How did you know about this place?" he asked. "I was lead back here earlier. Anyway, training." I said. We both took a battle stance. I grabbed my knifes and he grabbed his cane. "I'll strike you down." Oscar said, pointing his weapon at me. "You might, but, as you know, I'm fast." I said. I used my semblance and ran toward him. I swung one of my knifes and he blocked the blow and hit me. I went in a few more times, but was stopped with a parry and a hit. He had gotten rid of all my clones. I went in for another hit from above and Oscar held his cane above his head. I bounced off it flipped backward. I checked my scroll to see my aura levels. They were low. I turned my knifes into Divine Light. Oscar expected me to come in for another charge, but I pushed the button that activated my shield and long ranged attack and made a quick swing. The beam threw him off guard and he was knocked back. I ran forward at Oscar. He tried to swing and stop me, but I had a plan. I slid underneath his swing and quickly went onto my stomach. I made it so that I was holding Divine Light with both hands, in front of Oscar's feet. As I slid, I was able to trip Oscar. I quickly got up and held one end of Divine light near his chest. We were both breathing heavy and I took Divine Light away from his chest. I helped him get up. That whole fight felt like a dance. "You've definitely gotten better." I said. "You have too." Oscar said. "I knew I heard weapons clashing, but I didn't expect to see lovers fighting." Pietro said from the doorway. I looked at Pietro, then at Oscar, then back at Pietro. Oscar and I both blushed. I realized I was still holding Oscar's hand after helping him up and I quickly let go. "N-no! It's not like that!" I said as I looked down at the floor. "Sure." Pietro said as he left. I took a deep breath and started to walk toward the doorway. I was able to stop blushing. "Wait!" Oscar said. I stopped and turned around. I tilted my head to one side. "I feel like we should have some sort of team attack." he said. "What do you mean?" I asked as I walked over to him. "A thing where you hold Divine Light by one end and grab my cane and I spin you around and you run along." Oscar said. "Okay, but I have another perk for that." I said. "What's that?" he asked. "Let me show you." I said. I started to spin Divine Light and the shield appeared. "It's a shield. Our team attack could be used for defense as well." I said as I stopped spinning Divine Light. "Perfect! Let's practice." Oscar said. I nodded and made it so I was holding Divine Light by one end. Oscar extended his cane and I grabbed it with my free hand. He started to spin me and I started to run. It was fast and lethal. I started to spin Divine Light. The shield appeared and it seemed like the shield was everywhere around us. I stopped spinning Divine Light and let go of Oscar's cane. I slid for a little bit after I let go and Oscar almost fell over after he was able to stop spinning. "You good?" I asked. "Yeah, just a little dizzy." Oscar said. "Let's head back to the dorms." I said. We walked back to the dorm where we were staying along with Zeke. I lied down on one of the beds and slipped into a light sleep.

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