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Y/n's POV


I woke up back in my room of where we were staying for the moment. I was still a little disoriented from the battle at Haven. My head was spinning with thoughts. I put my hand to my cheek and felt that my cut had healed, but, as I suspected, I had a scar. I felt like it was a sign that I couldn't protect anyone. I lied there for a few minutes until I saw that my knifes were on the nightstand. You know, I really should name them. I thought to myself. I pondered names for a minute until I came up with some. My knifes can be called Love and Peace: Swords Of Hope, and my double-sided sword can be called Devine Light. I thought. I also saw that the relic was on the nightstand, next to my knifes. Why was the relic on my nightstand? That's when I noticed the note that was next to it. I sat up and grabbed it.
Dear Y/n, we feel like we can trust you with this. Why? Well, you are the one who was willing to defend and protect on your own. You were trying to fend off Salem from taking control so you would be the one to help. Hell, you got injured for your friends. Anyway, keep it safe.
I grabbed my knifes and put them on my belt. I looked at the lamp for a moment before grabbing the ring and hooking to my belt, next to my symbol. I went out of the room and into the main room. "Hey, how ya doing?" Qrow asked me. "Better." I said. "Well, that's good to hear." Ozpin said. "What does it do? Qrow never really told us." Jaune said. "Of course. The relic of knowledge has a wonderful yet dangerous ability. Y/n, if you would please, remove it from your belt." Ozpin said. I nodded and held it out in front of me and it started to glow blue. "Its user can ask any question, and the lamp will provide an answer." Ozpin said. "Intriguing." Ren said. "That's incredible." Blake said. I put the lamp back on my belt. "Indeed. However, it's not without drawbacks. The lamp can not tell you of events that have yet to happen and it will only ever answer three questions every 100 years." Ozpin said. "Well, I guess that's not so bad. Adds a lot of pressure though." Yang said. "Let's put it to a vote! What should we ask first? Oh! Can we ask for more questions? Can we ask for more questions?" Nora said as she was basically bouncing off the walls. She came up right next to me so she could stare at the lamp. I gave an awkward smile and stepped away. "They're not wishes." Ren said. Ozpin chuckled. "I'm afraid you won't be able to ask it anything at the moment. The questions were used before I sealed it away." Ozpin said. "Well, at least now we know what it is. And we'll be sure to keep it safe." Ruby said.

~~end of flashback~~

Everyone was collecting the things that they had lost when the train crashed. "Great. This is just great. We're stranded, we lost a third of our party, and we gained a defenseless old lady." Yang said as she pulled her bike out of the snow. "My name is Maria Calavera and I am not defenseless. I'm just a little hard of hearing, and blind without my eyes. That are in desperate need of repair. Okay, I'm starting to see your point." the old woman said. Oscar and I walked off with her. "Yang, knock it off, will ya? If we lose our cool now we'll be inviting more Grimm." Qrow said. "Does it even matter? Apparently we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven." Blake said. "Oh, and how could I forget about that? What happened to no more lies and half truths?" Yang asked. "Yeah. I think it's time we got a explanation." Oscar said. Ozpin and Salem took over. "We did not lie to you." Salem said. "Well, you certainly didn't tell us everything about the relic." Weiss said. "Please, now is not the time." Ozpin said. "No, we're past that. I want to know why you're still not telling us everything." Yang said. "It is true that the Grimm are attracted to the relics. It's faint but undeniable. I believe it has to do with their origin, I'm not entirely sure. Regardless, we feared that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negativity. It seemed like the safer option." Salem said. "You know, I'm getting real tired of everyone choosing what's best for me." Weiss said. "Is that why you chose to lie to everyone about Lionheart too?" Yang asked accusingly. "Yes, as a matter of fact. We believed that the kingdom of Mistral deserved better than the truth. And we believed that Leonardo deserved to be remembered for his lifetime of service, not the unfortunate missteps he made in his final years." Ozpin said. "Missteps?!" Yang asked. "What Professor Lionheart did was reprehensive. We are not here to argue differently. But just one lapse in judgment should indicate all of his good. Do we all not have regrets? You may have met Professor Lionheart, but you never met the man he was before Cinder found him." Salem said. "Look, we're supposed to be in this together. You can trust us. We're not going to turn our backs on you." Yang said. "Do you really think Leo was the first?" Ozpin yelled. "That he didn't say those exact same words to me?" Ozpin asked. "I'm sorry but you have to understand that our behaviors are backed by experience. I'm not saying we have reasons that you will betray us, but we have reasons for the things that we do, the secrets that we keep. The reason we... Where's the relic?" Salem said. "Right here. It got scattered in the crash." Ruby said. "Please, hand it over." Ozpin said. "So all those times you talked about having faith in humanity, that was just for everyone else?" Ruby said. "That's not what I meant to suggest. Miss Rose, the relic is a powerful item and I simply feel that it's my burden to bear." Ozpin said. "But, you said it couldn't do anything right now." Ruby said. "Why does it matter who carries it?" Blake asked. "I need you to listen to me." Ozpin said before he stopped. Salem started to move forward but I was able to take back partial control and stop her in her tracks. "Oz?" Qrow asked. "Hurry. They're trying to stop you." I said. "Stop her from what?" Yang asked. "They're afraid you'll find what they're hiding." Oscar said. We both dropped to our hands and knees. "Her name is Gin. Say her name to summon her." I said. "Her name?" Ruby asked. "Gin?" Ruby said. Everything stopped moving except for us. "What?" Qrow asked. The lamp started to float away. A woman emerged from a cloud of blue smoke. "Wonderful." Gin said. "Tell me, what knowledge do you seek?" she asked. "I am Gin, a being created by the god of light to aid humanity in its prosecute of knowledge. I've been graced with the ability to answer three questions every 100 years. You're in luck, as I am still able to answer-" Gin got cut off. "That's enough!" Ozpin shouted. "Two questions this era." Gin finished. Everyone went silent and stared at Ozpin and Salem. "It's a pleasurer to see you again, old man. As well as you, miss." Gin said. "Ruby, please. Don't." Salem said. "Hey-" Qrow said. Yang, Weiss, and Blake pointed their weapons at Qrow. "Do whatever you think is right, kiddo." Qrow said. "Gin," Ruby said. Salem and Ozpin looked on in fear. "What are Ozpin and Salem hiding from us?" Ruby asked. "No!" Salem and Ozpin yelled. They both started to charge at her before we were thrown into a white room. I regained control. I looked around for a second. "Hello? Oscar? Anyone?" I called out to the white void. "Once upon a time, there stood a lone tower that sheltered a lonely girl." Gin said. I walked up to the image that appeared. "Named... Salem." Gin said.

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