Epilogue (Part 1)

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Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes to see my room. I was back home. Oscar was asleep next to me on my desk chair. His coat was draped over his shoulders. I rolled onto my side and placed my hand over his. He slowly opened his eyes. "Y/n! You're awake." he said. I smiled. I sat up and Oscar put his coat on correctly. He got off my desk chair and took a seat next to me. "I have a question. What's with the empty picture frame?" Oscar asked. "I don't really know. I've always had it sitting there. I always knew I wanted to put a picture in it, but since I never had any friends, I haven't put a picture in it." I said. I suddenly remembered about Atlas. "We have to get back out there." I said as I stood up. I felt a stabbing pain in my side and sat back down. "Take it easy. You're still in pretty rough shape." Oscar said. "Says the dude who has a black eye and blood dripping out of his mouth." I said. "Fair point." Oscar said. I used my thumb to wipe away the blood that was actually dripping out of his mouth. My mom walked into the room. "Hey mom." I said. Mom smiled at me. "Oscar, come here for a minute." she said. Oscar got up and walked over to her. She took his arm in her hands and used her semblance. After a few moments, mom let go of Oscar. The cut on his arm was gone. "This is gonna take a while." I said. Mom took a seat on my bed and Oscar sat down in my desk chair. Mom healed Oscar while we all talked. "I'll give you two a minute." Mom said once Oscar was fully healed. She got up and left. Oscar moved over to my bed again. He started to do something on his scroll. He pulled up the camera. "I have an idea of what you could put in the picture frame." Oscar said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer and held up his scroll. We both gave a smile and Oscar snapped the picture. He printed it off and I put it in the frame. It looked good. "You know, we should come up with a name for our team attack." I said. "Yeah." Oscar said. The room went silent as we thought about names for our team attack. "Night Spin!" we both said at the same time. We burst out laughing. "At least we came up with something we both like." Oscar said. "Yeah." I said. I got up and stretched. "Want to go outside?" I asked as I grabbed my knifes and put them on my belt. "Yeah! It's better than being stuck in here." Oscar said. We walked downstairs and went outside. It was nice to get some fresh air. I decided to climb a tree. "Y/n, what are you doing?" Oscar asked. "I don't know, but you should come up here. The sunset it beautiful." I said. "But I can't climb trees." Oscar said. "I'll help you." I said as I climbed down the tree. I gave Oscar a few pointers and he slowly made his way up. He eventually made it to a resting point. "Nice job!" I said. I held my hand up for a high-five. Oscar high-fived me. "Try and keep up." I said as I jumped higher into the branches. Oscar followed my movements and our heads peaked up above the leaves. "You were right. This is beautiful." Oscar said. "Was it worth it?" I asked. Oscar nodded. "One more test." I said. I jumped to a different tree like it was nothing. "Jump over to me." I called. "You expect me to clear that gap? How?" Oscar asked. "It's kinda like a leap of faith. Besides, if you don't make it I'll catch you." I called. Oscar took a deep breath and jumped. He fell just short of the tree. He reached out for me as he fell. I was quick to grab the trunk of the tree for stability and catch Oscar by his wrist. "Told you I'd catch you." I said. I hoisted him up into the tree. We watched the sun sink below the horizon. "We should head back. It's getting late." Oscar said. I nodded and started to climb down the tree. Oscar was hesitant to follow. "It's basically the same thing as going up, but in reverse." I said. Oscar started to make his way down the tree. Once we both made it to the ground we started to walk to the house. We walked in the front door and mom was there to great us. "There you are. I was wondering when you'd get back." mom said. "Just a few tree climbing lessons. Nothing much." I said. Mom chuckled. "Well, I'm going to bed." I said. I walked over to the stairs. I was about halfway up them when I heard mom talking to Oscar. I stopped in my tracks. "You know, you're going to have to learn how to climb trees if you want a chance to keep up with her." she said. "I know. I'm pretty sure we're going to work on that more." Oscar said. "You should be off to bed, too." mom said. Oscar started to walk over to the stairs. I waited for him. We walked up the rest of the stairs together. We stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Good night." Oscar said. "You too." I said. I touched my forehead to his and went to my room and he went off towards Zeke's old room. I put my knifes on my nightstand. I stood there for a moment, staring at the new picture. I gave a gentle smile and went to sleep.

~~time skip~~

I woke up at around midnight to the sound of my door creaking open. I sat up and stared at the  door as I reached for one of my knifes. My eyes adjusted quickly to the dim light because of my faunus traits. I soon as my hand wrapped around my knife, I saw Oscar standing there. He looked genuinely uncomfortable. My grip loosened from my knife. "Oscar? Are you doing okay?" I asked. "I wanted to talk to you about something." he said as he walked farther in my room and shut the door. I grabbed my scroll and turned on the flashlight to make it easier for Oscar to see. I slipped out from underneath my sheets and dangled my legs off the edge of my bed. Oscar took a seat next to me. "So... what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked. Oscar started to talk about what happened inside the whale, and about the pain he endured. As he was recounting all this, tears started to run down his face. I cut him off with a gentle hug. He was startled, but hugged me back. He buried his face into my neck. We stayed there for a moment before I broke the hug. I kept my hand over his. "Hey, Y/n?" he asked as he used his sleeve to get rid of his tears. "Yeah?" I said. "Do you mind if I sleep with you for the rest of the night?" he finished. "If it'll make you feel better." I said. Oscar smiled at me and I returned the favor. I reached for my scroll and turned off the flashlight. Oscar and I snuggled under the covers. "Night." I said. "Night." he replied. He closed his eyes and I stared at him for a moment before closing mine. I subconsciously put my arm around him. He snuggled closer and then I fell asleep.

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