Vault of the Spring Maiden

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Y/n's POV

"Weiss!" Jaune screamed. He ran towards her. Everyone was staring in disbelief. I looked from person to person. I was terrified. Oscar looked at me and I looked at him. My eyes widened in horror. I turned toward Lionheart. I gave a yell as I used the side of my blade to smack Lionheart across the face. Oscar was behind me and used his cane to send Lionheart down the stairs. Lionheart bumped into the man with the large build. I threw myself over the railing and went toward Ruby, Oscar right on my heels. "Ruby, get up!" Oscar said. Nora rushed over. "Get up! We need you!" I yelled. The man with the large build picked Lionheart up by his shirt. "You let those children make a fool of you." he said. "Those aren't just children. They're Ozpin and Salem. They've already reincarnated." Lionheart said. The man dropped Lionheart. He turned to us. "Ozpin. Salem." the man growled. Ruby started to wake up. "Ruby!" Oscar said. "Ozpin! Salem!" the man yelled. I looked up. "Oh shit." Salem said. I stood up. "You thought you could hide from me?!" the man yelled. He ripped his tunic. He grabbed some dust from his belt. "You'll pay for what you did. You will die, over and over and over again!" he yelled. He stabbed the dust into his arms. Electricity flowed through his veins. He yelled. I took a few steps back. "Do-do we fight?" Oscar asked. "No. Run!" Salem said. The man charged at us. Qrow dove in and pushed us to the ground and extended his scythe. "Ozpin and Salem are here?" Cider asked. "Is that a problem?" Raven asked. "I'm not sure. Right now we've got the upper hand. Let's not waist it. Leo! Open the path to the vault!" Cinder said. Lionheart got up and ran to the statue. He placed a pocket watch into the pendant. The statue started to lower. "Stop them! We've got your team covered!" Nora yelled at Yang. Yang started to run toward the statue before she was stopped. "You want to get them? You're going to have to get through all of us." the girl with green hair said. I looked over at Jaune, Ren, and Weiss. "Ren, talk to me." Jaune said. "This is bad." Ren said. "No no no, not again. Weiss come on, please!" Jaune said. "Make sure the leave Ruby alive. This won't take long." Cinder said. The platform lowered out of view. The man punched to ground, sending me sliding along the ground a short distance. "Y/n." Salem said. "No!" I said. The man tried to swing at Oscar and I but I jumped back and so did Oscar. "Y/n!" Salem yelled. "I told you, no!" I yelled back. The man sent Oscar flying into a pillar. I ran towards the man and tried to swing at him with my knife. Key word being tried. The man grabbed my blade mid-swing and lifted me off the ground. "Crap." I said. The man shook me from my blade into a different pillar. He threw my knife at me. I was able to dodge, but not before my knife was able to slash my cheek. I put my hand where my knife had cut me. I looked at my hand and it had blood on it. My knife had stabbed into the pillar so I grabbed it. "Please, let me take over! I can handle him." Salem said. "You told me I needed to fight for myself. So I will." Oscar said. "I agree with that." I said to Salem as I got up. "This is not your fight, Y/n." Salem said. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why is he so upset with us?" I asked. "They didn't tell you my tail, did they?" the man said. "I thought you both looked familiar. To think that evil was inside of you when our paths first crossed. Your blood won't be on my hands." the man said. He raised his hands to form a fist. "It will be on theirs." he said. Qrow slid in from the side and blocked the blow. We all got knocked backwards. I stood up to see Qrow starting to fight the man. "What was he talking about?" Oscar asked. "Tell them, Ozpin, Salem. Tell them how you killed her!" the man said. "Her?" I asked. "Gretchen Reinhard was Hazel's sister. Despite her brother's wishes, she enrolled at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress, who tragically lost her life on her training mission. Hazel holds Ozpin responsible. Please, let me fight. I know Hazel. He's wounded in a way that can not be healed." Salem said. "You know now. You can forgive me for what I'm about to do." the man who I now knew as Hazel said. "Did she know?" Oscar yelled. "Did she know the risk of being a Huntress?" I yelled. "She was only a child! She wasn't ready!" Hazel yelled. "She made a choice! A choice to put other before herself!" I yelled. "So do we." Oscar said. "Then you've chosen death." Hazel said. "I'm sorry." Salem said. "Wait, what?" I said. Salem took control of me and Ozpin took control of Oscar. Salem fell to her knees and looked up. Hazel yelled. Salem and Ozpin started to brawl with Hazel. Qrow started to fight with Lionheart. It was a living hell. everything was happening so fast, I couldn't focus on anything. I sighed and detached myself from the world, going into a kind of void.

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