Argus Limited

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Y/n's POV

We were all on the roof of a train, fending off Grimm. "Tunnel!" I cried. "Go!" Ruby said. We all jumped in-between cars.

~~time skip~~

My cut had healed, but it left a scar. I saw it as a symbol of shame. A symbol that I couldn't protect anyone. We were all sitting on the benches when Ruby came by. "And?" Yang asked. Ruby pulled a bag from behind her back. "What an absolute waist of ti-" Weiss was cut off. "What did you get me?" Yang asked. "You'll have to wait and see." Ruby said. "No fair!" Yang said. Ruby stuck her tongue out at Yang. "Man, I remember my brother doing that to me." I said. "Is that the faunus I know so well?" I heard a male voice asked. It sounded familiar, but I didn't care. Besides, they were probably talking to Blake. "Oh! Hey Zeke!" Ruby said. I stood up and turned around. I saw a guy who was wearing a black jacket with red trim and a red shirt and a weapon on his back. 

I ran over to him and hugged him

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I ran over to him and hugged him. "Wait... you two know each other?" Yang asked. "Yeah! She's my little sister." Zeke said. He ruffled my hair but I smacked his hand away. "Is it cool if I join you guys?" Zeke asked. "Of course!" Ruby said. "Sweet." Zeke said as he sat down. "Well, I'm glad you're all excited, but I don't think you'll appreciate the trouble I went through to leave Atlas." Weiss said. "I know you're worried Weiss, but trust us. Team RWBY won't leave your side for a second! I promise." Ruby said. "No one's got to be worried with us around." a man said as he approached us. "Aaaaand you are?" Nora asked. "Why, D and Dougly, of course. The Argus Limited's very own Huntsmen. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we go through Grimm territory." the man said. "But, for a generous tip, we could make sure your passenger car gets extra special attention should things get dangerous." the other dude said, winking. Everyone just stared at them, unamused. "I've got a tip for ya. Buzz off. Looks like Mistral is really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days." Qrow said as he walked up to us. "Hey, you're talking to a-" the man started to say. "A protentional Huntsmen, right. Well, it seems like one of you heroes' left the staff entrance to the caboose wide open. It'd be a shame to lose your job before you even start it." Qrow said. "I-I didn't do it!" the dude said. "Come on, dummy." the man said. They were muttering to each other as they walked away. "I do hope those weren't Beacon graduates." Salem said. I just nodded. "You know, sometimes the burden of saving the world gets overwhelming, but then people like that come along and it make me glad that it's our job and not theirs." Oscar said. Everyone nodded. "So, you kids ready to go? Bike all loaded up?" Qrow asked. "Yep!" Yang said. "Just waiting on Blake. As usual." Weiss said.

~~time skip~~

We were all just on the train when it shook. Oscar opened the window in our train car. "Shall I?" Salem asked. "No. I'm doing this myself." I said. We stepped out when we bumped into Jaune. "What's going on?" Jaune asked. We heard screaming. We all looked at each other. The train shook again. We all climbed to the roof. "What are you doing?" Qrow asked Dougly. "Why is it always something?" Nora yelled as Oscar and I ran off. "How can we help?" I asked Qrow. "You can get that idiot to shut off the turrets. It's drawing the Grimm toward the passengers." Qrow yelled over the rushing wind. "Right!" Oscar said. We started to run toward Dougly. We jumped from train car to train car. I drew my knifes, just incase. We slid under a Grimm that dove at us and continued to run. "Doug! You've got to shut the turrets off!" I yelled over the rushing wind. "Are you crazy? No way!" Doug yelled. I looked over at one of them and it shot one of the Grimm. "Yes! Another one down!" Doug said. "Stop! We have to lure them to the back!" Oscar yelled. "What does it matter if they're dead?" Doug yelled. He shouldered Oscar and almost knocked him over. All of the Grimm flew off. "Where are they going?" Doug asked. I turned around. "Tunnel!" I cried. Oscar and I slid in-between cars. Doug cried out in pain. Doug was on the floor and Oscar and I had taken a knee on either side of him. Everyone rushed into the car that we were in. I looked at everyone. Qrow shouldered his way through everyone. "I said turn those damn things off!" Qrow said. He slammed Doug against the wall. "Those things are keeping us alive!" Doug said. Ruby looked through the window. Everyone in the next car was terrified. Ruby came up to Qrow and got him off Doug. Oscar and I stepped away. "Please, just shut off the turrets." Ruby said. "Trust us. We know what we're doing." Jaune said. He boosted Doug's aura. "Fine." Doug said. "Ren, could you use your semblance to mask everyone on this train? With the guns off and emotions hidden they might lose track of us." Nora said. "Hm. I've never attempted to effect this many people." Ren said. "But you've never had Jaune's help before." Ruby said. "He could amplify your aura." Weiss said. "Yeah. That's an alright plan." Qrow said. Ozpin took over Oscar. I seemed to be the only one that noticed. "I'm afraid there's one complication. Grimm are also attracted to this." Ozpin said. He pointed to the relic I had on my belt. "What's that?" Doug asked. "None of your business. Oz, are you serious?" Qrow asked. "Why wouldn't you tell us that?" Yang asked. "I..." Ozpin started to say. "It doesn't matter right now." Ruby said. "Every second we're on this train we're putting everyone else in danger. Get the passengers to the front cars. We'll still mask the emotions and kill the turrets. We just can't come with you. If we cut the back cars with us and the relic on them, we can deal with the Grimm. You just make sure the rest of the train makes it safely to Argus." Ruby said. "Only if you promise you'll meet us there." Jaune said. "Promise." Ruby said. We turned off the turrets and Blake cut the cars from the rest of the train. We all stood on top of the train. All the Grimm emerged from the tunnel. "Now!" Ruby yelled. I turned around to see a Grimm right behind me. I blocked an attack and gave the Grimm some good swings. I used my semblance. The Grimm became confused and started to attack my clones instead of me. I jumped on top of it and cut it in half. I looked over at Oscar and it looked like he could use some backup. I ran over and came to a stop. Oscar looked at me and I nodded. He nodded back and we charged toward the Grimm. He started to smack it and I got on top. I cut off it's head and Oscar and I high-fived. The Grimm that was the leader sent out a fireball that went over my head and went into the track. Weiss tried to save us but to no avail. The whole section shook and went off into the snow. "Is everyone okay?" Qrow asked. "Maybe." I said as I got up. "Yeah." Yang said. "Still alive!" a voice said. Everyone looked over at an old woman with some sort of googles on her face. "That sure was a close one, huh." she said.

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