Rest and Resolutions

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Y/n's POV

"How can 6 kid possibly make so much noise eating dinner?" Qrow asked as we came to the main room. 

~~time skip~~

Everyone was sitting on the couches as the clock ticked in the background. Salem had taken control of me and Ozpin had taken control of Oscar. Salem was standing next to Qrow. "So, the maidens, magic, Cinder. It's all true?" Weiss asked. "Miss Xiao Long, is this more or less what your mother told you?" Ozpin asked Yang. "For the most part." Weiss said. "You forgot something. You forgot to tell everyone what you did to Qrow and my mother." Yang said. "What is she talking about?" Jaune asked. "Oh, great." Qrow said. "Hm... That's not a secret I thought she would give up so easily. Your mother must trust you a great deal." Ozpin said. "My ability to reincarnate, though a curse, is not without a few key benefits. Much like the maidens, I too possess a certain magical power. Using this power I was able to gift the Branwen twins the ability to see more. To be able to move freely and be unburdened by their natural body's. I, well, gave them the ability to turn into birds." Ozpin laughed a little. "Rather ridiculous sounding out loud, isn't it?" Ozpin said. "You what?" Jaune asked. "Uncle?" Ruby asked. "You turned them into birds?" Ren asked. "Alright, now you're just messing with us." Nora said. "What else is new?" Jaune said. "He's telling the truth. We saw it. Yang's mom changed right in front of us." Weiss said. "Why would you do something like that? I mean, what is wrong with you!?" Yang said. "Yang, that's enough. We made a choice. We wanted this." Qrow said. There was a short pause. "May I?" Ozpin asked Qrow. Qrow nodded. "Granting this power to them was no trivial task, and I can assure you that it was not done frivolously. I required assistance in gathering information on Cinder's plans, as well as searching for maidens when their hosts became unclear." Ozpin said. "Okay, so, have you done this with others? Like General Ironwood or Professor Goodwitch?" Ruby asked. "As helpful as that might be, unfortunately it's not that simple. My power is finite and if I'm being honest, dwindling. The amount that I gifted to Qrow and Raven was, all things considered, rather miniscule. You see, centuries ago, I sacrificed a great deal of magic to four young women who I hoped would use my gift for good. They were the first maidens." Ozpin said. "Miss Xiao Long, it was never my intention to lie to you. To any of you. There are just some matters that I prefer to play close to the chest. I believe that's how you phrased it." Ozpin said. "Yeah." Qrow said. "Everyone has a choice. The Branwen's chose to accept their powers, and the responsibilities that came with them. And later, one of them chose to abandon her duties in favor of her own self interest. Now, all of you have a choice. If anyone wishes to leave, now is the time. There is no shame or disgrace in abstaining. Only in retreat." Ozpin said. Everyone looked at each other. "Very well then." Ozpin said. Yang stood up. "Yang?" Ruby asked. "If Ruby sticks around then I will too. If there's one thing I know about her, it's that she somehow always knows the right thing to do. But if we're going to help, if we're going to keep risking our lives... no more lies. No more half truths." Yang said. There was a pause. "Understood." Ozpin said. Yang sat back down. "So... what now? I mean, what can we do?" Jaune asked. "Hm... that is a difficult question. One that I believe is best answered tomorrow." Ozpin said. "What do you mean?" Jaune asked. "The road ahead is undoubtedly filled with hardships and peril. However, it's been far to long sense you've all been together. Please, take tonight. Enjoy this moment." Ozpin said. Oscar and I were both given back control of our body's. I almost fell over again. Qrow grabbed my arm so I wouldn't lose my balance. "You good?" Qrow asked me. "Yeah. I'm just not used to changing back and forth yet." I said. "Eh, you get used to it." Qrow said as he let go of my arm. "Ooooooooh! Raven! Qrow! They're birds! Cracked it!" Nora said. Ren just shook his head.

One Soul Away(Oscar Pine x Female Cat Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now