Unforeseen Complications

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Y/n' POV

I was sitting on a couch next to Oscar as everyone, except for Qrow, stood around us. Everyone was making remarks as Oscar and I looked from person to person, confused. "Oh, isn't it weird?" Ruby exclaimed. "Yes, it's very weird." Oscar said as he looked down. "Okay, okay. Let's all just take a second and remember that this is very overwhelming for everyone." Qrow said as he walked into the room. Everyone backed off. "Thanks." I said as I turned towards Qrow. Everyone sat down. Oscar gave an awkward laugh. "Sorry. It's just, I've never really met Huntsmen and Huntresses before." Oscar said. "Well, uh, we've never met people with two souls, so, first times all around." Ruby said. Qrow cleared his throat. "Not to break up the whole getting to know you game, but we need to have a talk. Mind showing us your little parlor trick kids?" Qrow said. I sighed. "Yeah, okay. Just so you know we'll still be here." I said. Oscar glowed green for a moment and I glowed f/c. "It is so very good to see you again students." Ozpin said. "It's been a long time since I last saw you, everyone." Salem said. "What just happened?" Jaune asked. "Professor Ozpin? Mistress Salem?" Ren asked. "Correct. And though we may be the ones speaking, Oscar and Y/n are still present mentally. They've merely handed over the controls, so to speak." Ozpin said. "Just don't make us do anything stupid." I said to Salem. "I'm afraid this all may be very confusing." Salem said. "And alarming. And bizarre. And kind of just really hard to believe over all." Nora said. Ozpin chuckled. "It's good to see you children still have your sense of humor." he said. "I know you've all been through tremendous hardship already. I'm sorry." Salem said. "I mean... it's not your fault." Ruby said. "It's all my fault. I told you once that I made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet, I wasn't exaggerating." Ozpin said. "We're cursed. For thousands of years we've walked the surface of Remnant, living, dyeing, and reincarnating in the body of a like mind and soul." Salem said. "The Professor Ozpin and Mistress Salem you all met was not our first forms, and clearly wasn't our last. It's an extraordinarily strenuous prosses on everyone involved." Ozpin said. "So who- what are you?" Jaune asked. "We are the combinations of countless men and women who spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant. With every rebirth our souls are eventually merged with another. We are changed, but our memory's stay with us." Salem said. "This curse was bestowed upon me by the gods because we failed to stop the evil of each generation in the past. But we must stop them now." Ozpin said. "And how do we do that?" Ruby asked. 'We ensure the safety of the relic of knowledge." Salem said.

~~time skip~~

"This is perfect! We were stuck at a dead end but now we can just take lil' cute boy Ozpin and lil' girl Salem to Lionheart and set things straight!" Nora exclaimed. "Please don't call me that." Ozpin said. "And we're not sure that's the best idea." Qrow said. Nora groaned and sat down on one of the couches. "But, I thought the headmasters all took their orders from you." Ren said. "That was the intention. Four lieutenants I can trust, especially during times of reincarnation, but Qrow told me about your meeting with Leonardo. He isn't just behaving irrationally, he's disobeying specific instructions I had left him. Something's wrong. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I don't want to rule out any possibility's either. No one outside of this room knows I've paired with Oscar and that Salem has paired with Y/n, and I think it may be best to keep it that way." Ozpin said. "Play things close to the chest until we've got a better hand." Qrow said. "Precisely. Now we have two steps ahead of us. The first is enlisting the aid of more Huntsmen." Salem said. "But the Mistrel counsel-" Ren started to say before he got cut off by Qrow. "Doesn't own every Huntsmen in the kingdom, and I've been here enough times to know where we can find some more." Qrow said. "So long as they're trustworthy." Ozpin said. "Hmph. You could trust 'em to put up a good fight. I'll throw together a list tonight." Qrow said. "Good luck with that." Nora said. "After that, we can move on to step 2." Salem said. "What's step 2?" Nora asked. "Getting you 4 into fighting shape." Salem said. "But, we already know how to fight." Ruby said. "You can only fight so long as you have Crescent Rose, but you're still lacking in hand-to-hand combat." Ozpin said. "Well, uh, yeah." Ruby said. "Mr. Arc, I'm glad to hear you've improved but sorry to say you've yet to unlock your semblance." Ozpin said. "All of you still have a ways to go before you're ready to pose a threat to Cinder and her forces. And though Oscar and Y/n can give temporary control to Salem and I, they'll both need to strengthen their body's and their aura." Ozpin said. "What the hell?" I asked. "They'll inherit the muscle memory from us in time, but practice will exopodite the prosses." Salem said. "But if Qrow's out looking for Huntsmen, then who's going to teach us?" Ruby asked. "Well, I believe I was the headmaster of Beacon Academy and Salem was also a Headmaster. We have approximately 1 month before classes resume at Haven. If Cinder were to plan an attack it would make sense that it would occur prior to students return. It's not much time, but it's better than nothing. Just don't expect us to go easy on you." Ozpin said. I regained control and almost lost my balance. Oscar fell over.

One Soul Away(Oscar Pine x Female Cat Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now