Necessary Sacrifice

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Y/n's POV

I walked down the stairs to the training area where I saw Oscar training by himself. "You've gotten a lot better." I said. Oscar looked over at me. "You hungry? It's almost time for dinner." I said. "Uh, yeah. That sounds good. I was about to call it a night anyway." Oscar said. "So, you've never fought before?" I asked. "Just the occasional small Grimm. Nothing like this, though." Oscar said. "Well, you look like a natural." I said. "It's strange. I've only had this cane for a few weeks, but I feel like I've had it for a lifetime. Longer, even." Oscar said. There was a short pause. "I sound like a crazy person." he said. "I mean, yeah, just a little. But with the rate you're training, you'll be ready to fight in no time." I said. My ears drooped down a little bit and a grabbed my arm as I looked down. I had been training by myself my whole life and I had continued to do so, even now. I felt really guilty about it. I was shoving away the only friends that I had. Oscar gave me a concerned look. "Well, I'll see you upstairs." I said as I turned towards that stairs. "How do you handle all of this?" Oscar asked me. My ears perked up and I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "What?" I said, confused. "I'm... scared. I'm more scared than I've been in my life. More than I ever thought was possible. I always knew that I wanted to be more than a farmhand, but... this? Who would ask for this?" Oscar said as he leaned his cane against the wall. He put his cane into his backpack. "I didn't ask for this either. I was thrown into this as well. But, we can all try our be-" I got my sentence cut off. "How can you be so confident!? People have tried to kill you, the world's about to go to war all over again! How are you okay with any of this!?" Oscar yelled. I was taken aback by this. I'd never been yelled at by him before so this mood swing was very... unexpected to say the least. I stared at him, scared. He saw my expression and his mood completely changed. "I... I've spent my whole life alone. I never had any friends growing up. I was always on my own and the only person I could fight was my dad. Otherwise, I was training on my own, usually at night. When I left, everything changed. Even though I was still on my own, it felt different. Weather you know it or not, you're the first friend I've ever had. But I still train by myself. I've pushed you away. It's just how I've lived. I'm terrified. Terrified that I'm going to lose the only people that I have." I said. I started to cry as I turned away. "Y/n... I didn't know. I'm sorry." Oscar said. "It's fine. I don't mean anything to anyone anyway." I said through my tears. Oscar turned me towards him but I refused to make eye contact. "You mean something to me." Oscar said. I looked at him. He gave me a smile. I gave a small smile as I wiped away my tears. "Come on. Let's go get something to eat before it's gone." Oscar said. I nodded and we walked towards the stairs.

~~time skip~~

Oscar's POV

I slipped out after dinner to go to the shops to find something for Y/n. I knew she liked stars and the night. I mean, she has been training at night for most of her life. I was walking past a few shops and something caught my eye. A necklace that had a star charm. I went inside and payed for the necklace. The clerk told me that the necklace can lead the wearer to anyone they please as long as the moonlight is hitting the charm and if the wearer is connected by heart to someone, they can find them at anytime. "Getting something for Y/n I see." Ozpin said. "So what if I am?" I said as I put the necklace in my pocket. "I was simply observing." Ozpin said. I let out a sigh and went back to were we were staying.

 I let out a sigh and went back to were we were staying

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One Soul Away(Oscar Pine x Female Cat Faunus Reader)Where stories live. Discover now