•Chapter 11•

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Telma sat in front of a wagon that was pulled by a horse. Zelda sat next to her and Ilia and Ralis sat in the wagon part, which was covered by a cloth awning. Link and Midna sat on Epona. Link had his sword at ready.

"King Bobolin is back." Link hissed under his breath. "I thought I took care of him."

They were looking at the East Bridge. King Boblin was in fact patrolling it. The only evidence left over from his previous encounter with Link was that a chunk of his right horn was missing.

"Th-thank you so much for this." Ilia said, peaking out of the cart. "Um, what is your name?"

Link took a deep breath. "Link. My name is Link."

Ilia's eyes widened slightly and she perked up. "...Link?!"

Link's heart rose...

"I will never in all my life forget your kindness, Link."

...And fell back down again.

"Little lady," Telma spoke up, "Save your thanks until we are safe! This swordsman of ours has great eyes. Blue, proud, and wild. Like a feral beast."

At this Zelda snorted with laughter as did Midna. Even Telma snorted.

"We need a beast right now, to keep the true ones at bay."

"He's definitely a beast." Zelda giggled as she winked at Link, who blushed.

Telma continued, in a more seductive form than before, "Save your thanks for him later." Then she proceeded to blow a kiss to Link and wink.

Link just blushed further.

"Look at you, getting all the girls." Midna whispered.

Link nudged her.

"Ready to go?" Telma asked.

Link nodded. And they were off.

They trundled along until they reached the bridge. Link pulled Epona to a stop.

King Boblin was waiting for them.

"Okay, it's your turn, honey!" Telma whispered.

"Good luck." Zelda said.

"Knock 'em dead!" Ilia cheered.

"Let's go, Midna!" Link yelled. And he charged forward.

"Wait, Link!" Midna cried. "King Boblin has shields on his sides, you can't get him with your sword."

"But his middle is exposed." Link said.

Link reached into his never ending pouch and grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows.

King Boblin and Link were about to crash. Link steered Epona away at the last second and turned her around.

"Steer for me!" Link cried to Midna, who launched herself in the air and landing in front of Link, taking the reigns. Link readied his bow and arrow and aimed.

King Boblin was rushing towards them at top speed. Link waited...and waited... until finally he got an opportunity. He shot the arrow, which hit King Boblin, sending him off the edge and into the ravine.

The ladies cheered. Link whispered to Midna, "How would you like to steer while I protect with my bow?"

Midna nodded.

"Alright!" Link yelled. "Let's move out."

The group began to head down the path. Link wished he could speed everyone up as night was falling. They didn't have much time left.

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