•Chapter 12•

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Once morning came, Link was packing up Epona while Zelda and Midna got their stuff. They had all changed into their Zora tunics, Midna insisted that, as a shadow, she'd be fine underwater. And wished everyone luck. Then, they were off.

They rode across Hyrule Field, the wind whipping their hair back as they laughed and talked about what they would do to Zant when they got to him.


Now that the river was flowing normally, it was much easier to walk along the side and get to the unfrozen Zora's Domain. They made it to the Throne Room in under two hours.

The Zoras were all moving along happily. They smiled and waved at the group. Link had no problem leaving Epona here, tied to a rock. Some of the Zoras seemed to take a particular interest in her anyway.

"Ready?" Link asked, pulling up the cloth from his tunic over his mouth and nose.

Zelda nodded. "Ready." She too pulled up her cloth.

"Ready." Midna turned into a shadow, becoming part of Link's.

Link and Zelda jumped into the water and they began to swim downward.

It was weird being able to breath underwater. It was like breathing in cold, wet air constantly. Link didn't like it.

They let the current take them down the waterfall which actually proved to be much more fun than expected. They allowed the river to carry them all the way to Lake Hylia. Once they were there, Link put his head under and looked around. Thanks to the magic of the tunic, Link's eyesight was much improved. However, it was still very deep.

He took Zelda's hand and began to pull her down with him to the depths. He glanced back at her several times to make sure she was okay. Then he realized she was closing her eyes.

Once they reached the bottom, they saw a passageway in the cliff walls. They swam towards it and entered the Lakebed Temple.


The Temple began as a long tunnel going deeper and deeper into the rock. Underwater vegetation grew along the walls and it was surprisingly well lit. After awhile, the cavern began to go upwards until it opened up in a temple room, without water.

Link pulled himself up and then turned and helped Zelda up. The tunic was a little big on her but still. Link liked it.


"Of course."

Link led them into the next room, which was huge. Waterfalls trickled down into different platforms, pooling in random places. Link heard Zelda's intake of breath and turned.

"It's so beautiful!" Her eyes were zooming around, trying to take in everything and memorize it.

"I'll take you back here on a date, how 'bout that?"

Zelda laughed. "I'll consider it."

Link took her hand and they walked over to the big door on the opposite end.

Suddenly, Zelda cried out.

"What's wrong?!"

"My head! I have a splitting headache! So much evil...so much!!"

Link looked at her quizzically. "Do you... want to stay here?"

"No. No...I'll come with you. It just hurts."

Link noticed her Triforce was throbbing on the back of her hand. Sighing, he turned around and opened the door.


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