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It was snowing on Hyrule.

A woman wearing a cloak was running through the streets of the Castle Town. All you could see of her was a strand of orange hair coming from her cloak. A Hyrulean guard was running with her.

"Come on!" He yelled. "You'll be safe with the Princess, Your Majesty!"

The woman glanced behind her. "He'll be upon us in a short time. We must take sanctuary!"

"The Temple of Time. Even Zant won't be able to wield evil in there."

"Let's make haste."

They continued running through the streets, slipping on snow and ice. They finally made it to the grand Temple of Time. It was carved with intricate pictures of the goddesses.

The guard and the woman ran up to the huge oak doors and slammed their fists on it, screaming, "Sanctuary! Please! Sanctuary!"

No one was coming to the door.

"Dammit!" The guard yelled.

All of a sudden, the woman froze, letting her hands slide down the door and fall to her sides. She then glanced behind her slowly. And then screamed.

A horrific man was standing behind them. If he even was that. He was wearing a huge stone mask that looked like some sort of alien with a pointed head and a long, curled tongue. He was wearing black robes that covered his hands and had long ribbons hanging off the sleeves.

"Zant!" The woman screamed. The guard stepped in front of her, taking out his sword and shield.

"Zelda's little soldier can't stop me." He hissed.

"You do this, and you'll declare war on Hyrule."

"You say that like it should scare me."

"They have a legendary hero. It should."

Zant laughed. "Let them try!"

Then he shot a huge blast at the soldier. The soldier suddenly started glowing with black light and he went up into the air, then shot straight down into the stone steps, head first.

The snow was now red with blood.

The woman screamed. Zant stepped over the mess and then shot a blast at her, and she shielded herself with her arms but it was no use.

The woman's cloak fell as she fell. Zant raised his arm and the cloak flew off, showing what was left of her: a little imp.

"My, my." Zant laughed. The imp was small and her skin was black and white. She had glowing blue symbols on her arms and legs and ears. She had so much orange hair tied up into a ponytail on top of her head. Also on her head, was a metal crown of sorts that covered one eye and had two prongs on top. Her eyes were yellow and red and she had one pointed fang sticking out of her mouth.

She rose in the air above Zant. He was holding her up with magic. "Let's just dispose of you, shall we?" He walked over to a nearby well and held the imp over it. He was about to drop her in when-


Zant turned and saw the priestess of the Temple. She was standing over the body of the guard.

"You shall pay for the sins you have just committed!" She yelled. "The goddesses were watching!" She pointed up to the statues, which did seem to be watching Zant.

Zant shifted uncomfortably. Even he didn't want to disrespect the holy place of the goddesses.

"Do you understand the crime you have committed on the very steps of the Temple of Time?!"

Zant took a deep breath. "Here. Take this." He flung the imp at the priestess, who caught her. "Consider saving her life a repent."

"Change her back!" The priestess ordered.

"Not going to. It's not going to matter soon anyway. I'm on my way to Hyrule Castle now. Poor Princess Zelda. She has no idea what is coming." He disappeared in a flash of black and red squares.

The priestess sighed and carried the imp inside the Temple of Time.

The Legend of Zelda: Temple of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now