•Chapter 7•

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Link and Midna appeared in a spring in the woods. It was a holy spring. It glowed with golden light.

Midna looked around at the beautiful spring.

Someone coughed behind Link.

Link whirled around and saw Ilia and another little boy. The little boy was named Colin and Link had been taking care of him before he left for Castle Town.

"Ilia!" Link dashed over to her and hugged her.

"Oh, Link! I'm so glad you're okay! Wait, what happened to your chest?!" Ilia exclaimed as Link knelt down and scooped up Colin.

"What? Nothing. I'll heal it soon. It doesn't hurt."

"I'm glad it doesn't hurt."

"Yeah!" Colin added. "When my dad told everyone where you were going, everyone was worried." His dad was Rusl.

"I'm sorry, guys."

"It's okay." Ilia touched his shoulder. "I'm just glad you're... somewhat okay."

Link glanced at Midna, who was shifting awkwardly. "This is Midna." Link gestured to her.

Midna held up a small hand and waved.

"Hi Midna. I'm Ilia."

"So I've heard."

Ilia smiled. "I'm glad you're here to help Link."

Midna floated over to stand by Link's side. "Yeah he's very hard to take care of."

Ilia laughed. "I bet."

"Hey!" Link shouted in protest as they all laughed and for a few seconds, everything seemed at peace.

Ilia looked at Link. "Before you go, can you promise me one thing?"


"No matter what happens on your journey, don't try to do anything...out of your league. Please. Just come home safely."

Link smiled and nodded. "I promise."

All of a sudden, they heard loud hoof beats. They looked at the gate, that was closed to the spring, and it crashed open. In crashed a boar with...something on its back. It looked like a big, fat goblin in armor with a club.

Ilia screamed and covered her mouth as Link reached for his sword. It rode in extremely fast as two more boars, with smaller goblins on them, rode in, separating Link and Midna from Ilia and Colin.

One of the smaller goblins shot an arrow at Ilia's back hitting her square on. She screamed and fell into the water as blood began to float in the pure water. Link's eyes widened and he was about to go and help when a goblin road up behind him and hit him over the head with a club.

He passed out, and fell on top of Midna, trapping her underneath him, in the water.

The goblins got off their horses to collect their prizes: Colin and Ilia.

One of the boars was standing over Link, so no one saw him. The king goblin gestured to the others and they got back on their goblins and rode off.


Midna, gasping for breath, pushed Link's limp body off of her and stood up. She was soaking wet.

Link groaned and sat up, rubbing his head. "What happened?"

"Zant's forces came in and kidnapped everyone!" Midna screamed.

"What?!" Link stood up too fast, and the world around him began to spin.

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