•Chapter 22•

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The first place Link and Midna went was the Eldin Bridge. It was a large bridge than spanned a valley and helped you get from one part of Hyrule to the next. Sure enough, there was an owl statue on the walls of it. Link climbed up and swung the Dominion Rod at it. It turned green and Link moved it from its spot.

The circle where it had been standing was glowing green. Link approached it cautiously and stared into the green light. It was a sky character.

"Do you have a pen or something?" Midna asked.

Link stuck his hand into his pack and began to dig around in it. "I'm sure I've got one...somewhere...." It took him awhile but he finally fished one out. He wrote down the missing sky character into the book. There were still others missing.

"C'mon. This is like a scavenger hunt!"

"You're enjoying this way too much." But she followed him.


It took them two days to travel all across Hyrule to find all the sky characters. After Link's last "fainting" episode, she was much more anxious over Link's health. She'd make him take breaks (threatening him in various ways) and made sure he had plenty to eat and drink. At night, she forced him to lay down and lay there until day break or whenever he fell asleep and woke up. Whichever came first.

Their search led them all the way to the desert again. Except it was day this time and Midna was sure Link would over heat. To compensate, he took off basically every article of clothing besides his pants. His tunic was slung over his arm so he could reach his pouch when he needed to. He kept his hat on for some reason. He was oblivious to Midna's stares at his body.

After etching down the last symbol, he stood and turned around. He noticed Midna was eyeing his abdomen. "What?"

"Look at all those scars." She floated over. It was true, Link was covered in scars of all shapes and sizes. Some she knew he had gotten on this journey and others she wasn't sure where they were from.

She gingerly touched the ones on his shoulders, the ones from the wolves at Snowpeak. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Link brought his hand up to rest on hers. "I'm happy to do it."

"But look at all the pain this has brought you!" Her other hand reached up and touched the scar near his heart from the arrow. The one Zelda had healed. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

Link frowned. "This isn't your fault, Midna. Don't feel guilty, okay?"

She sighed. She looked so saddened by her guilt, that Link put his hand on the side of her face, forcing her to look up at him. "It'll be okay. We're fixing this."

Her eyes were zooming all over his face.

"Now come on!" He smiled. "Let's go back to Shad! We've got the last one!"

Midna smirked. "You're always so happy. It's so tiresome."

"What can I say? I'm a tiresome guy."

And as they began their trek back to Kakariko, Midna added, "And annoying at that." And he shoved her playfully.


"Shad! Good news!" Link ran in, holding up the book. He had put all of his clothes back on.

Shad looked over. "Hello, Link. You're lucky you came here just as I came back for a quick rest!"

"Here." Link held out the book. Shad took it and gasped.

"Are there more letters in the word since last time?! How did you manage this? You're amazing, Link. Simply amazing!"

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