PART ONE •Chapter 1•

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~three months later~

A boy about eighteen years of age walked through the castle town, heading for the Temple of Time. He wore armor and had a sword and shield strapped to his back. He had dark blue eyes that seemed heavy with weight of all that he had seen. He had dark blonde hair that was swept to one side and pointed ears. His name was Link. He had a chestnut horse with a white mane. The horse was named Epona.

He was excited. He had been called upon from his village to be a body guard for Lord Zant. No one had knew where he had come from, but all anyone knew was that he was helping Princess Zelda rule Hyrule until she was queen since her father died recently.

Link was heading for the Temple of Time because he heard that praying in it could give you good luck.

He was almost there when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned. It was a guard.

"Young man, have you seen a girl of noble status walking around? Brown-ish, blonde-ish hair? Around eighteen or seventeen years?"

"Um, not that I remember. Why?"

"Don't be concerned. It's nothing you need to worry about."

"Uh, if it helps, I'm actually coming today to be the bodyguard of Lord Zant. Link. From Ordon?"

"Oh, yes I heard that you would be coming. He doesn't require you until three in the afternoon. He'll be waiting for you at the castle. Have a good day."

"Thank you, sir."

The guard walked away and Link thought to himself. He had three hours to kill. He was about to grab a bite to eat when he heard someone whisper from the shadows. "Link?"

He turned to an alley. He saw a figure. "Who's there?"

"Keep your voice down!" The person moved from the shadows. It was a girl. In a cloak. All Link could see was her dark blue eyes, which immediately gave him shivers. He wanted to fall to his knees and bow to her. She radiated power. The only other thing he could see was a gold...something on her forehead. It looked like the bottom of a crown.

"You're Zant's body guard?"

"What's it to you?"

The girl inhaled and her eyes narrowed. "Please. You must help me. He's evil! He must be stopped!"

"Who are you?!"

"That can't be known right now. Please, you must-"

"There she is!" Someone yelled. Link turned and saw a bunch of guards run over.

"Damn." The girl hissed. "Okay, listen quickly. Midna needs your help. She's at the Temple of Time. Go!"


One of the guards bowed to her and said, "Princess. It's time to come back home."

"Princess?!" Link asked, startled. He fell into a bow.

"Fine. Take me home." She muttered.

The guards circled her, creating a barrier to help her back home. They marched off, down the street.

"Midna?" Link whispered to himself. "Come on, Epona."


After leaving Epona tied up outside, Link walked into the Temple of Time. It was a huge building. Stairs led off into the towers, candles filled the room, and huge stone columns lined the room. The floor was black and white marble and there was a bench like thing with three niches in it. The Triforce was carved into the wall on the opposite end.

A priestess was moving about, lighting some candles.

"Excuse me," Link approached her. "Do you know where I can find Midna?"

The priestess looked at him. "Who told you that name?!"

"Um, some girl-"

"Do not speak that name! Get out of my sight! I know you wish harm on her!"

"What?! I don't even know who she is! I was told to-"

"Leave! Now!"

"Alright, alright!" Link hurried out. What was her problem?

He walked over to Epona. "Well, let's grab a bite to eat." He patted her side and untied her.


Midna was the imp. She hung out inside the very tops of the towers in the Temple. This was where she lived. Zant had forbidden the priestess from letting her out. Midna was dying to leave and come up with a plan. All of her plans ended in a dead end. She needed someone to help her. Hyrule was in trouble.

She looked down into the plaza below. People were setting up for a festival. This could be her chance. She could find someone worthy at this stupid festival. She would have to sneak out...

People would notice her though. She would have to wear a cloak.

She glanced outside again, but this time someone caught her eye. A boy. In a green tunic.

Interesting. The hero of legend always wore a green tunic. Probably just a coincidence. She saw like 15 other people in green tunics. Although none of them had swords like the other boy.

Midna summoned her cloak from the corner of her room. If she floated at just the right height, the cloak would be big enough to make her look like a normal person.

She floated out the window and stood on one of the carvings. Then she disappeared in a flash of black and blue squares. Warping.

She reappeared in the crowd below, behind a tent. What was her plan?

She had to find that boy. She floated through the crowd, being careful trying not to bump into someone. She was looking around desperately.

"Excuse me." Someone said. Midna turned before they could touch her.

"Yes?" She said to the girl behind her. She was holding flyers.

"There's going to be a magic contest. You look like a magic user. Would you be interested?"

Midna rolled her eyes. The things that entertained these light dwellers....

"Sorry, but I don't do pathetic contests."

"'Pathetic'? You could win exactly 50,000 rupees. Plus, Lord Zant is judging it."

"Yeah that's great. Have you seen a young man in a green tunic with a sword? He has a green hat, too."

"Um, yeah. He's Lord Zant's body guard. Rumor has it that he has the Triforce on the back of his hand. Plus he's quite the looker."

Midna quickly formulated a plan. If Zant was judging the contest, and the boy was guarding him, this could be her chance to get close to him. "I'll join your contest."

"That's great!" She handed Midna a flyer. "It's in thirty minutes at the center. Princess Zelda might be there too." She clapped Midna on the back, which knocked Midna into a tent, sending her inside.

"Oh my goddesses!" The girl cried but she didn't go in the tent. "I'm so sorry!"

Midna was lying in a heap inside the tent. Stupid girl, why wasn't she coming inside to make sure she was okay? Then she found out why.

A girl had screamed at Midna. The girl had been changing in the tent and only had a blanket to cover her body. There were ladies maids holding articles of clothing. They were also screaming.

"Midna?!" The girl screamed. The girl was pale skinned and had brownish blonde hair loosely flowing everywhere.

"Zelda?!" Midna screamed. "I'm so sorry!"

"What are you doing out of the Temple?"

"Zelda, I would love to tell you, but it'll have to wait. I was never here and you never saw me." She pulled the hood back on and floated out.

"Midna! Wait!"

Midna turned around and saw Zelda poking her head out of the tent. "Be careful." She said.

The Legend of Zelda: Temple of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now