•Chapter 19•

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It took them two days to get back to Telma's Bar. Mostly because they needed time to rest from Snowpeak. They stayed in Kakariko Village overnight. There, Link got his wounds stitched up on his shoulders and right arm.

Pulling his hood from his cloak up to cover his face, he walked into Castle Town. When he got to Telma's Bar, he was greeted with the usual.

"Every time I see you, you look older!" Telma exclaimed. "Your hair is longer and you need to shave."

Link subconsciously touched the stubble forming on his chin. He really did. "We just came back from Snowpeak. It was very cold up there."

"Ashei came back a few days ago. Rusl actually just left. Heading for the Temple of Time. Apparently, he needed to check something out. If you need directions, I'm sure the gang can tell you. Also, clean yourself up for Nayru's sake! Use the bathroom. I'm sure there's a razor in there."

"Yes, Telma." Link walked over to the table. Ashei and Shad were there. "Hey, everyone."

"Link!" Shad said. "Good to see you in one piece."

Link smiled. "It was hard to stay in one."

"Link." Ashei said. "The beast of Snowpeak hasn't appeared in Zora's Domain since its last visit. In the end, the troubles in Hyrule and the events on Snowpeak were beyond even my imagination. There's got to be someone that knows what really happened."

Link decided against telling her. He didn't know if she should know about the Mirror.

Link glanced at the map. "Why is Rusl at the Temple of Time?"

"Something was troubling him." Shad explained. "It's there on the map."

Link nodded. "Don't worry. I'm way too familiar with the place."


After getting a shave and a haircut (from Telma), Link headed for the Temple. It felt good to be back in the moderately warm climate. He walked through the Castle Town, enjoying the sun.

Rusl wasn't that hard to find. He was standing in front of a statue of the goddess Farore. When Rusl saw Link, he said, "It's been awhile since we spoke, Link. So much has changed."

Link nodded. "Good to see you again."

There was a brief moment of awkward silence. Then Rusl spoke again. "Do you know about what's hidden in here, Link? Besides the Master Sword?" He glanced at the Sword on Link's back. "You know the ancestors of the Hylians created this temple. The signs of their civilization, ancient but sophisticated, are everywhere. The power in this temple could go along way to helping our cause." He gave Link a pointed look.

Link looked at him. "I take it you want me to take on the task of finding said power?"

"Only if you are willing. You're the Hero for a reason. And I'm sure Farore would agree." He winked at Link then looked at the statue, as if giving Link a hint. "Good luck."


After Rusl had gone, Link glanced around the Temple. It seemed deserted. Even the priestess was no where in sight.

Link lifted up his left hand, the Triforce of Courage glowing on the back. Hoping he was right, he clambered on top of the marble pedestal the statue was one. He was really close to it now.

He couldn't help but notice how familiar Farore looked with her long shaggy hair tied up into two round buns on either side of her head and almond shaped eyes.

Then Midna solved the mystery for him. "Link, if you were a girl, I think you'd look like that."

Link's eyes widened. "I can so see it."

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