•Chapter 25•

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When Link opened his eyes, he was standing in a world that was completely dark. Twilight time. Black bits of shadow were flowing all around.

Link took a step forward, but Midna stopped him. "Listen, Link. Can I ask you one last, selfish favor?"

He nodded. "Anything, Midna."

"I...abandoned this world. No matter what my reasons were, I left the Twili behind. My people, Link. They're here, suffering, believing help will still come. If they saw that the only help for them was a hideous little imp, they'd lose hope."

Link touched the side of her face. "You're not hideous, Midna."

"Please. I'm nothing now compared to what I was. Point is, I'm asking to remain in your shadow just for a while longer. Okay?"

"Of course."

"I'm sorry." She turned into a shadow.

"You know," Link said, "It's a fantastic view up my tunic. Even if I am wearing pants."

She came back out. "Excuse me?"

"Nothing. I was just teasing you."

"Goddesses, even in the Shadow Realm you've got your stupid humor." She went back.

Link snorted and continued forward.


As Link ran forward, he came upon what looked like a shadow beast, and, as he reached for his sword, Midna jumped out. "Wait! He isn't an enemy. They're scary looking to you, but they're my people." Then went back into shadow form.

As Link thought about it, he realized that every shadow beast he's fought was one of her citizens that had succumbed to Zant's magic. He had been killed her people. He realized that as a twinge of guilt shot through his heart.

He head for the castle and went inside. Everything was obsidian and glowing with neon blue light in the cracks and designs.

Link entered another room and saw black smoke, like fog, all around the floor. He walked forward, looking at it cautiously. Then he made the mistake of stepping in it.

He fell on all floors and second later, he was a wolf.

"Careful!" Midna was suddenly on his back. "This smoke is the same magic as the twilight crystal we use."

Link whined.

"I know it sucks. Just get out of the fog."

Link clambered out of it and began to head for the next door. In front of it, Link turned back into a Hylian and headed through.

The moment the door fell back into place, red and black bars dropped over the door. Link glanced around the room, looking for the enemy. The room was huge and square shaped. Across the room was a black statue of hand, holding a black orb that flowed with neon blue light. Link dashed over to it.

Before he could get to it, a twilight barrier dropped down, blocking the way. He heard one fall behind him too.

"It was a trap." He swore.

Then, shockingly, a hologram like thing appeared in front of him. It was in the shape of Zant.

Link backed away as he took out the Master Sword. The hologram threw its arms into the air and summoned a huge ball of red and black energy. Then he chucked it at the ceiling, where it formed a swirling portal. Thousands of tiny black and red keese came flying out, rushing at Link.

Link swung his sword and cut down the first row instantly, then swung again, killing another row. Link cut down row after row, and, when they were gone, he launched himself at the hologram, slashing his sword at it. Somehow, the sword didn't pass through it. The hologram was solid, like it was a physical form.

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