•Chapter 23•

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Link and Midna screamed as they went shooting through the air. Midna had grabbed Link mid flight and held onto him, her face buried in his chest. He was doing all the yelling for them. Then, suddenly, they landed in water.

Link fell through the water until he gently hit a hard bottom. He blinked through the crystal clarity of it, then kicked his legs for the surface. When their heads broke the surface, they gasped for air.

Ooccoo and Ooccoo Jr. fell down into the water at that moment, startling Link and Midna.

"Phew! We're finally back!" Ooccoo said. "Welcome, adventurer to the Sky City of the Oocca. I guess, since you're here, why don't I give you a tour?"

"Thanks. That would be greatly appreciated." Link said as he glanced around. Were they really in the sky?

That's when Ooccoo screamed.

Link looked where she was looking and gasped. What looked like a huge dragon was flying overhead. It flew deeper into the Sky City and disappeared from view.

"What was that?!" Midna demanded.

"Search me." Link shrugged.

Link heard a sound similar to a gobble of a turkey. He looked up and saw another Oocca that looked identical to Ooccoo. It ran, or, rather, waddled over to the edge of the steps leading into the pool and Ooccoo swam over. They began to gobble back and forth at each other, clearly having a conversation.

"Gods, everything about this is so weird." Link swam over to the steps.

Ooccoo turned to Link. "You won't believe it!"


"There's a dragon flying around the city walls!"

Midna blinked. "You don't say?"

"I'm 100% serious."

"We know you are because we just saw the damned thing!"

Link gave her a look that said, Chill.

Ooccoo didn't seem to catch her sarcasm. "I have to go check and see if everyone is okay." And with that, they all ran off.


The pathway leading to the city was just a path floating in the sky. Bushes and plant life was somehow growing here. The wind was very strong, and Link had to hold onto his hat. Midna had to to hold on to Link to make sure she didn't get blown away. All they could see was clouds and sky all around them. If Link hadn't been so weirded out, he would've made a comment about the beauty.

The City in the Sky was much bigger than Link had originally thought. There were buildings all over the place and Oocca walking everywhere. Everyone seemed to be scared and trying to keep a low profile. As soon as Link and Midna walked into a building, they noticed that they were obviously made for Oocca only. Midna had no trouble floating over the wide crevices but Link had to either jump, use his claw shot, or grab an Oocca (startling it, thus making Link feel badly) and jump while the Oocca had no option but to flap his/her wings to get safely to the other side. Midna found this hilarious.

Link and Midna asked Oocca all over the place for directions to where the dragon went. They followed ever direction. Due to some portions being outside, and very windy, Link had to put his hat in his pack so it wouldn't blow away. Midna hid as a shadow most of the time.

As Link wandered through another building, he noticed how paranoid the Oocca seemed to be. They had trap floors that would collapse into the sky below, letting you fall to your death. He wondering how often they got dragons up here.

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