•Chapter 2•

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Midna stood with the other contestants on the stage. The other contestants looked like a bunch of buffoons so this should be easy.

A few feet away from the stage was a small platform with an awning over it. Under it was a huge throne with Zant sitting on it. Next to it, was a smaller throne which Princess Zelda sat on in her beautiful blue robes. And on the other side of Zant, was the kid, who was looking around. Yes, he could do.

The same girl who asked Midna to join stood on stage, asking for silence. "Thank you for coming. The contestants have one chance to show one spell for Lord Zant to judge. Let's start with the first contestant." She gestured to the line and the first person stepped forward.

There were five people in front of Midna. They all had the same, lame magic tricks. Summoning birds out of their sleeves or shooting out fireworks.

Midna was bored. She glanced at the kid, who was clearly impressed by each display. He clapped along. She looked closely at his hands, looking for a Triforce. He was wearing gauntlets unfortunately.

Finally, it was her turn. She was glad no one could see her face.

"Um," the girl said, "You must remove your cloak to prove you aren't cheating."

"That's not necessary." Midna whispered.

"Yes, it is."

"Um, no."

"If you don't take off your cloak, you can't perform." The girl said, maintaining a strained smile.

"Then I'm out."

"For goddesses' sake," The contestant next to Midna bursted out, "Just take off the cloak." And he ripped it off.

Midna heard the crowd gasp at her. Swears flew through her head.

"You son of a-" She blasted the contestant with a shot of magic, sending him sprawling. She saw the kid draw his sword, looking at her, concerned.

Zant stood. "What are you doing out of the Temple of Time?!"

"Enough of this, Zant! Why don't you tell everyone what you really are and what your actual plan is?!"

Zant merely laughed.

"You're evil!" Midna continued to yell, "All you want is to take over! Tell them, Zelda!"

Zelda shifted uncomfortably.

"Yes, Zelda." Zant hissed. "Tell them."

"I'll remain silent." Zelda replied.

"Then you won't have a problem with my next order: kill the imp!"

Several guards approached the stage.

"Wait!" Zant ordered. "Let's not be civil. The crowd gets to kill her. Hold her down!"

Someone threw an apple at Midna, hitting her arm. Someone else threw a tomato. Someone else threw a loaf of bread. Soon everyone was throwing food, rocks, anything they had their hands on. Someone threw a rope around Midna's neck, pulling her down to the ground, choking her. Another rope came from the other side, wrapping around her neck, pulling her back.

Midna was clawing at the ropes, desperate to escape. She was losing breath.

All of a sudden, the ropes dropped and the crowd went silent. Midna opened her eyes and saw a beautiful angel in front of her. It was Zelda.

"Stop this!" Zelda screamed. She took a sword out of her belt and cut the ropes. "Is this really what you all want?!" She scooped down and held Midna in her arms. "Just because someone tells you to kill someone you do it?! Is that really what people chosen by the goddesses do? Kill without hesitation?! Have some shame!"

"Zelda, stop talking!" Zant ordered.

"No! I will not be silenced anymore by you, Zant!"

"I wanted to do this in private, but I have no choice." Zant stood. He raised his hands in the air and a loud, high pitched noise filled the air. Suddenly, in the sky, a huge, swirling black and red circle appeared. Black blobs fell and landed in the crowd and around the stage.

They were hunched over beasts with red markings on their backs. They wore huge circular masks, with flowing tendrils behind the masks. They were terrifying. And there were hundreds.

They all snatched up the nearest person by the neck and held them up, choking them.

"Consider this a take-over." Zant said. "Your choice, Princess. Surrender or die."

Midna looked at Link, who was staring at Zant in horror.

Zelda took a deep breath and threw down her sword.

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