•Chapter 9•

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Link and Midna rode on Epona through Hyrule Field.

"What did you mean earlier when you said it wasn't Zelda that you had something against?"

"Nothing, Link. Just forget about it. I'll tell you once we get the last Fused Shadow."



They rode on. Midna was enjoying looking at the stars in the sky. "So glad to be out of the Temple of Time. I felt like a prisoner. Cooped up in there."

"I bet. Zelda must be at the next temple shouldn't she?"

"I don't know where else she could be."

"Alright. Go, Epona!" He urged Epona faster into the night.

"Why did Eldin send us to the Castle Town?"

"Maybe Ilia is there."

All of sudden, Epona pulled to a stop and neighed at something on the ground. "What is it, Epona?"

Link climbed down and looked at it. It was a pouch. Link bent over and scooped it up. "This was Ilia's." He whispered.

"She must've gone this way. This is the road to Castle Town."

Link nodded. "That's where she must be." He climbed back on Epona and urged her to go.

Promise me you'll come home safe.
Ilia's words echoed in his head.

As they came to a different section of Hyrule Field, they could see the Temple of Time against the sunrise in the distance.

"Hey, haven't we seen that Temple before?" Midna giggled. "So we finally made it back."

"The sunrise is gorgeous." Link said.

Midna nodded in agreement as they kept going into the Castle Town.

"We're gonna need disguises." She summoned a cloak out of thin air. Link pulled Epona to a stop and pulled out his own cloak from his never ending pouch. He put it on.

"Let's go find Ilia."


As they approached the entrance, Midna stopped him.

"We can't just waltz in there. We're on the run, remember?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Excuse me," Came a new voice, causing Midna and Link to jump and whirl around.

There was a girl standing behind them. She looked about ten or eleven at the very most. She had blonde hair tied up in two pigtails and her pointed ears had purple orb earrings in. She wore a blue and green dress up to just below her knees that got wide at her hips and shoulders. She had pink butterfly wings attached to her back and a pink butterfly on her dress. She carried a basket and a parasol. What startled Link wasn't the odd outfit, but her eyes. They were startling violet.

Link took a deep breath (she smelled like apricots) and then said, "Yes-"

"Oh I know you!" The girl exclaimed.

"You do?" Link said faintly.

"Lord Zant has wanted posters for your head all about Hyrule!"

"Listen, how many rupees do you want? I'll do anything just don't-"

"Tell? Why would I bring you in? I'm on your side!"

"You-you are?"

"Of course! All the monsters Lord Zant has spread across Hyrule! They're chasing my precious bugs away!"

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