•Chapter 13•

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It was nighttime.

Over Hyrule Field, a large ball of light was forming. Out of it came a wolf, with a figure lying on its back. The light faded and the wolf fell to the ground.

Link stood up on his four paws, shaking his head slowly. He had a splitting headache. He felt so weird all over. He could smell and hear things he'd never heard or smelt before. He was also much hotter than before, having a new fur coat. He blinked a few times before jumping and having everything crash down onto him.

He was a wolf.

The last thing he remembered was lunging at Zant, then, everything went black. Why did his head hurt so?

Then he heard the labored breathing.

He twisted his head around, trying to see what was on his back.

Midna. And she looked awful.

Her skin was a milky white all over now, like someone had taken a picture of her and inverted the colors. She was breathing very hard, and her eyes were closed.

Midna?! He tried to say but I just came out as a bark.

O hero chosen by the goddesses...

The voice was back.

Go to the princess locked away in the Temple of Time. That princess holds the key that can unlock you from your shadow form.

Link nodded. Then he began to run towards the Castle Town. Four paws was definitely faster than two legs. Midna needed this speed right now.

As he ran through the field, he saw that there were more monsters than usual but he was quick to outrun them.

His breath wasn't even catching. He wasn't even tired. Being a beast was slightly wonderful. But still he wished he didn't have so much fur in so many places. He could definitely run for longer.

He arrived at Hyrule Castle Town just as it was raining. He didn't even think about needing a cloak for Midna. He pushed the gates open with his nose and ran in.

Hardly anyone was out at night. Additionally, it was raining.

Link was running down a street when he heard, "EEK! What is that thing on your back?! Is it alright?"

Link froze and looked over. It was a cat. He tilted his head, confused. As a wolf, could he speak to animals?

Link tried to say "no" but it came out as a whimper.

"Take her to Telma's Bar. Telma will help. That's where they took that Zora boy."

Link barked his thanks and ran off.

Then he remembered something Telma had said: her bar had a secret passageway to the Temple.

Link sped his pace, racing against Midna's faint heartbeats.

He sighed with relief when he saw Telma's. He pushed the already propped open door with his nose and went in. That ended up being a mistake.

"Beast!" Telma screamed. She picked up a beer bottle as threw it at Link, just missing him. "Out of my bar!"

Link barked, trying to tell her that it was him but it was no use. She was coming at him with a broom so he turned around and ran out. She slammed the door behind him, locking it.

Link slowly walked back the path he came, letting the rain fall down on him and Midna. What would he do now?

"You there!"

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