•Chapter 3•

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"Seize them." Zant ordered Link.

Link, who clearly didn't want to, gestured to some guards and they all approached the stage.

"Zelda, we are outnumbered..." Midna whispered.

"Oh hush." Zelda stood with Midna in her arms. "What are we to do? An army vs. two girls?"

Then BAM! And they disappeared in a flash of light.

Zant roared in fury. "FIND HER!!"


It was raining. Link stood in front of the Temple of Time, gazing up at the magnificent building. He had a hunch about this place.

He opened the huge oak door and went in. Sure enough, his hunch was right.

Zelda was walking through the huge hall in front of him. He thought she was beautiful. He couldn't arrest her. He agreed with her.

He quietly walked up to her and was about to tap her lightly on the shoulder when she spun around, grabbing his sword and pointing it at him.

"Don't touch me." She hissed.

"Woah! Woah! I swear! I won't. I'm here to apologize. And call a truce between me and you. Please don't stab me."

Zelda pushed him down to the ground with the point of his sword. "Apologize for what?!"

"Almost attacking you."

"Why should I believe you?!"

"I don't know!" Suddenly, Link lunged for his sword, snatching it out of her hands and accidentally knocking her to the ground. "I'm so sorry!" He held out a hand to help her up.

She shoved his hand aside and stood.

"Really," He urged, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"I'm Link. Nice to meet you, Fine."

Zelda looked at him quizzically.

"It was a pun."

"Yes, I've gathered that."

"Sorry." Link blushed. "What's your name?"

Zelda raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, stupid question." Link muttered. "What am I permitted to call you?"

"Is this an interrogation?" She snapped.

"No. An introduction."

"You're not arresting me?"

"No. I agree with what you said out there. I can help. Plus, I can't arrest you in here." He gestured around.

Zelda looked around. "You're not like Zant."

Link laughed. "No I'm not. I hate the guy. I want to save you all."

"Since when?"

"Since this afternoon."

"So, if you're not putting me under arrest, what do you want?"

Link smiled. "Just what I should call you."

Zelda smiled. "I sense something good about you. Call me Zelda. No Princess Zelda, no Your Highness. Just Zelda."

"That name is beautiful. Just like you."

Zelda blushed.

"Much better than Zant."

Zelda laughed. Link already loved her laugh. He stepped forward and took her hand.

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