•Chapter 15•

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Link was thanking the goddesses that it was night. He knew the dessert would have been baking if the sun was up. He wouldn't have been able to make it ten feet without being dehydrated. As of right now, there was a nice breeze.

He was sweating slightly and tiny bit thirsty though.

The towers Link was heading to were getting bigger.

Suddenly, Midna shot out from his shadow. She grabbed the back of his tunic, pulling him to a stop. "Hey don't just wander in there, idiot."


"Don't you see the Boblin archers? They're on top of every tower."

"They didn't do a very good job with building them." Link noted, referring to the slapped together wood.

"Really? That's what you're concerned with?"

"I heard you, I heard you." He reached into his never ending bag and pulled out his quiver and bow. "I'll take care of it."

He pulled the draw string all the way back and aimed. The breeze was small, but it could really take his arrow a long way. He remembered that as he let go of the string.

One boblin fell from its tower. Link did the same thing with the other one, letting it fall to the ground.

"They're not very smart. You'd think torches would give away their position."

Midna snorted.

"We've got company." Link warned.

From the tower bases came boblins on boars, riding towards them with fire arrows. It was almost too easy for Link to hit them both with arrows.

"It's like Zant wants us in." Link smirked.

"Steal one of the boars."

"I can't ride that thing!"

"Please. It's just like riding a horse."

"Because you've ridden so many boars." But he approached one anyway.

The boar snorted at him. Link held up his hands. It wasn't skittish that's for sure. In fact, it was calm. Link pulled the boblin's body off of it and clambered on.

"Now how do I make it go?"

"I don't know. Nudge it."

Link did so. That was a mistake. The boar stood up on its hind legs and squealed. Then it began to rush at the wooden gates leading to their destination.

Link was yelling. So was Midna.

"We're gonna crash!" Link yelled.

"Make it stop!"

But it barreled through the gates.

It was like an unstoppable wave of destruction. Nothing stopped it.

Except its burst of energy ending.

It pulled to a stop and began to pant. Link and Midna hopped off.

"The Boblin Fortress is up ahead." Midna said. "You better get your bow ready."

Link nodded as he loaded an arrow. "Stay close."

Midna turned into a shadow as Link took a few steps forward, peering into the darkness. It wasn't too hard because each boblin carried a lantern. That wasn't too hard to see in the dark.

Link shot the first one down, and it came crashing to earth.

One down. He thought.

He continued on his way, shooting down boblins everywhere. He even came across a couple roasting a pig over a fire. He took those out with his sword. Some boblins were even sleeping on the job. It was a very easy task. Almost too easy for Link's liking.

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