•Chapter 16•

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Link trudged along, clutching his broken arm. He was wincing and barely looking where he was going. He was following Midna. And he was having a miserable time.

And it was raining. Complete with thunder and lightning.

"Midna..." He called as there was a clap of thunder. "Where are we going?" He slipped slightly in some mud.

"You need medical help, Link. Where have we gone, or, rather, where have all the 'criminals' been going for medical care?"

"I don't-Telma's?"

Midna turned around and winked at him. "So pick up the pace. Let's go."


It took them at least another two hours of walking to get to Castle Town. By the time they did, it had stopped raining and it was sunny.

Midna led the way into Telma's.

"Well if it isn't Link and the beautiful Midna." Telma called from behind the bar. "My, you guys both look a fright. Come sit by the fire and let me get you a drink!"

"Also, Link's arm is broken."

"Oh, hon. I'll fix that right up for you." As she began digging around the back of the counter for bandages, she asked, "How's Ilia doing, hon? I'm sure the Kakariko shaman will get her memory back, somehow. Renado is a talented man, that's for sure." She blushed now that she thought of him. She straightened up, holding a tray with bandages and two cups of hot coffee, something Link had never had before. "Of course, Ilia shouldn't be any of your concern right now, honey. Focus on your job. Okay?"

"Okay, Telma. And thanks again for all of this!"

"Oh no problem, hon. Why don't you get comfortable? Also, if I were you, I'd see Ashei next." She winked. "She's up on Hyrule's northern mountain checking things out. She's got good instincts, trust me. I'll give you directions when we're done here, okay?"

Link blinked. "Telma, you've done more than enough."

"Please, sweetie. It's nothing compared to what you're doing. What you've lost, it's the least I can do."


The location Telma gave the heroes led them to Zora's Domain. Apparently, they had a tunnel in their cliff walls that just popped you out into the mountains. Link thought it was almost too convenient.

Yet they headed there anyway.

"Link, stop scratching at it!" Midna snapped for the hundredth time on their trip. They were walking through the tunnel to the mountains. It was getting colder and colder and icicles grew from the ceiling. Midna could see her breath.

"I can't help it! I'm not used to having bandages!" Link had stuffed two fingers repeatedly into his bandages, scratching at random parts of his arm.

"You're going to irritate it!"

"You're not my mom."

"Yeah you would've figured that out by the fact that I'm alive."

Link froze. "Ow. That was nasty."

Midna raised an eyebrow at him. "Maybe a little. But you're irritating me and your mom has been dead for years."

"Still hurts." Link grumbled as he trudged along.

"You didn't even know her."


"Stop complaining."

"Hits keep coming."

"For the love of Farore! You're so annoying!"

"You love it." Link gave an overly-done, charming smile.

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