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Link, Zelda, and Midna stood next to the Mirror of Twilight. It was time for Midna to go back. Back to the Twilight Realm.

"I guess this is goodbye." Midna said sadly.

"C'mon Midna. We'll still see each other."

She stared at the ground. "Light and shadow can't mix, as we all know. Link. Zelda. Never forget that there's another world bound to this one."

"How could we forget?" Link laughed.

Zelda nodded in agreement. "Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other."

Midna scoffed. "You were always one for metaphors."

"I like to be enigmatic. Comes with the icy princess image. As you probably know. Anyway, I know now the reason the goddesses left the Mirror of Twilight in this world. They left it because we were destined to meet."

Link shuddered. "That's so...eerie. And mysterious."

"It's what I believe." Zelda said stubbornly. Link patted her back.

"Your words are kind and your heart is true." Midna said. "If all in Hyrule are like you two...then you'll be alright."

Zelda and Link smiled. Link spoke up. "If everyone in the Twilight Realm is like you...you'll do great."

"I am magnificent."

They all giggled.

Midna then stepped away. She stepped onto the platform that Link had stood what felt like so long ago, but was actually just yesterday.

Midna turned back around to face them. "Well, the princess spoke truly: as long as that Mirror's around we could meet again."

Then she looked down and a single, glowing tear dropped down her face. "Link...I..." The tear somehow floated off her face, nothing but a small sparkle. Midna reached up to touch it, but she pushed it towards the Mirror. "I...see you later."

Link smiled. "We'll definitely see each other-" What he was saying was cut off by the sparkle hitting the Mirror and the Mirror making a cracking sound. Link whirled around and gasped as the cracks grew. Then he turned to Midna, who was running to the platform.

"Midna, no!"

She turned around and smiled at him. The light began to shine from the Mirror, creating the portal behind her. She began to fade into the portal.

"Midna, don't you dare!" Link yelled desperately. Zelda grabbed his hand to keep from running to the portal.

Goodbye.... Her voice echoed in their heads and she shimmered away. The moment she did, the Mirror shattered and something came back to Link:

Only the one with the true power to rule the Twili can utterly destroy the Mirror.

"No..." Link whispered. "She can't of...she couldn't...she didn't..."

"Link." Zelda took his hand. "Don't worry."

"What do you mean 'don't worry'?! She destroyed the Mirror! Now we'll never see her agai-"

Zelda put her index finger on his lips to make him shut up. "Besides the Mirror, there's one other way to get in contact with the Twili."


"It's a spell. It requires a ton of magic. You can speak through a regular Mirror, you just can't touch. Sort of like a communication device. You see, first you take a prick of blood..."

And as Zelda explained it, they began their journey back to Hyrule Castle, to begin reconstruction and their new life together.


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