•Chapter 20•

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Link and Midna stepped through the barrier back into their own time. Link turned and watched Farore's Statue slide back into place. It was now the early hours of the morning. Roughly 3 am. All the candles had gone out in the church. It seemed like everything was asleep.

"Well done, adventurer!" A high-pitched voice sounded.

Link jumped and faced forward but he saw no one.

"Down here!"

Link looked down and Midna voiced what he was thinking: "What the hell is that?!"

It looked like a chicken. Except it had a long, skinny neck that had no feathers and an egg shaped head. Its face looked Hylian like but it had small, beady, pink eyes. It seemed to have two rows of turquoise nipples going down from the base of its neck, getting larger as it went down. Each nipple had a pink swirl around it. A small head was next to it, which had teeny wings on the side of it, flapping next to the bigger one.

"I must be really tired." Link rubbed his eyes.

"No...I see it too." Midna whispered.

"My name is Ooccoo! And Ooccoo sees you have what she was looking for."

"So...you're a she?" Midna asked.

"Well are you a she?"


"Ha! You don't even have proper nipples!"

Midna blushed as she crossed her arms over her chest. She was an imp so it didn't really matter. "Do you have any idea-"

"What do you want?" Link demanded.

"The Dominion Rod you found in the Temple, silly!"

Link took it out and showed it to her.

"Wow. Its magic has been exhausted." Ooccoo said.

"But I only used it twice!"

"It has been around for quite some time. Oh what am I going to do? I thought I could finally return to the sky."

"Hold up. Sky?" Link turned to Midna. "Didn't the sages say a mirror shard was in the sky?"

Midna, who was still blushing and glaring at the weird creature, said, "Yeah. They did."

"Not to fear!" Ooccoo said. "There's a spell that'll return the magic to it! I'll just have to look for the statues that respond to it. Yes! That's what I'll do! That's it! That's it indeed! Well, Ooccoo is on her way! See you, adventurer!"

And she took off, running out of the Temple.

Link sighed. "I need a nap."


Link got to Kakariko Village that late afternoon. He was sure the bags under his eyes were prominent. Since he had run there in wolf form, Midna had somehow managed to take a nap on his back. But now he was Hylian. He carried her while she rested her head against his shoulder and continued napping.

Link knocked on Renado's door. He heard someone say "Come in!" So he just went in. Several Gorons were in there along with Ilia and Renado.

"Link! I have been waiting for you." Renado rushed over while Link put Midna down. That certainly woke her up.

"Hello, Renado. Er, how is she?" He nodded his head at Ilia.

"That's what I wanted to discuss. The goddesses have smiled down on us! If things go to plan, we should be able to help her recover her memory!"

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