•Chapter 4•

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"I can't leave." Midna said. "I wouldn't fit in in this form. I'm hideous."

"Midna, no you're not."

"Look at me, Zelda! I'm different! And people don't like those who are different!"

"Then I'll leave! I'll head for the temples and reawaken the sages!"

"You'll need help with that!"

"I'm very powerful. Trust me."

Midna crossed her arms. "Fine. But if you aren't back here in five days, I'm coming to look for you."

"Get Link's help. He can help you. Trust me."

"Fine. I'll get this hero. You be safe, Zelda."

"Midna, again, I'm so sorry for what happened. I couldn't stop it sooner."

"It's okay. I'd be dead if it weren't for you. You literally looked like an angel saving me."

"I'm honestly not that pretty."

"Zelda, you're Hyrule's jewel."

Zelda laughed. "I'm anything but. Now I must make haste. I'll see you soon. Be safe."

"You too, princess."

Zelda smiled then warped out.

Midna sighed. Then she turned towards the doorway and cried out.

Link was standing in the doorway. "Um, hi."

"Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm looking for the princess-"

"No guards!" Midna screamed. She fired a blast at him.

He scrambled backwards. "Woah! I'm sorry!"

"Get out! No gaurds!" She fired blast after blast at him. "This is sanctuary! Leave!"

"All I want is to-"

"Go!" She chased him down the staircase.

"I'm not gonna hurt her!"

"Get out!"

"Wait!" Link held up his hands. "Tell her I didn't mean to trap her here. It was the only way I could protect her. I'm sorry."

Midna's eyes widened.

"Will you tell her that?" Link asked.

When Midna didn't answer, he said, "Please?"

"If you go! Now!"

"Alright, alright. I'm leaving." Link turned and began walking down the steps. Then he stopped. "One more thing."


"Zelda is very lucky."


"Because she has you. Someone who loves her and chases away anyone who threatens her."

He turned and continued walking while Midna snorted. "Please."


Midna sat by a window, thinking. She was very proud of herself for scaring away that soldier like that. Then she realized: that was the boy she had been looking for. She swore under her breath. Oh well. Zelda already had a plan.

Zelda...of course that strapping young man would be looking for her. Zelda was the most beautiful girl in all of Hyrule. Knowing Midna's luck, Zelda was probably into him too.

Midna shook her head. Who would fall for her? She wasn't even from this world.


Zant walked around Hyrule Castle. Yes, he was going to enjoy ruling this pitiful country.

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