•Chapter 8•

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Talo and Beth stood in the middle of the dirt road that winded through Kakariko. Everyone was off doing their own things nearby.

Suddenly, they heard loud hoof beats. They turned around and saw the huge goblin that had stolen Ilia and Colin. He was riding in.

Talo and Beth both screamed. Talo took off, running back to Renado's house. Beth, however, was frozen with fear.

Colin looked up from where he was. He was about to turn and run when he noticed how Beth wasn't moving. He clenched his fists. The boar was bearing down her, its sharp tusks ready to impale her. Then he made his decision.

He ran towards Beth and pushed her out of the way just in time to sacrifice himself.

Barnes opened the door to Renado's house, looking out. King Boblin, the goblin, glared at him and Barnes backed away. He had Colin in his hand.

Then everyone heard a horse neigh.

Link and Midna rode in, Link with a hateful glare on, the wind whipping his hair and hat.

King Boblin chuckled and held up Colin's body as if he were a prize. King Boblin urged his boar forward, taking off.

Link growled. "Go Epona!" He urged Epona faster.

"No, no!" Midna yelled sarcastically at Barnes, who was hiding. "We'll handle this!"

Epona leaped over the fence where King Boblin had gone. It wasn't long before they found him, sitting in the middle of Hyrule Field. Link had Epona come to a stop.

King Boblin had Colin tied to the top of a long stick. A red flag was also attached. Link looked at it in horror.

King Boblin laughed and gestured to Link as if to say, Come and get it.

Midna whispered in Link's ear, "Stay calm."


King Boblin took out a horn and blew it. It was silent for a moment. Then tons of goblins on horses came over the hill, archers too. All running to join the battle.

"Well Midna, it's us against the world."

"Nice knowing you. Can't believe we're dying over a kid."

"We aren't dying."

King Boblin took off down the field.

"Hyaah!" Link nudged Epona and she took off after King Boblin.

Link rode up beside the King, and started slashing him with his sword.

"Let Colin go!" Link roared.

An arrow suddenly pierced Link's thigh. He yelled and King Boblin took this chance to run farther.

Link swore then pulled the arrow out, accidentally snapping at the head, which was still embedded in his thigh.

"Epona! Go!" Link yelled through gritted teeth.

Epona again, caught up to King Boblin, and Link plunged his sword right into the King's belly.

He roared in pain but urged his boar towards a bridge. Link followed.

When Link got to the bridge, he saw that the other end had a fiery fence, keeping them both from leaving. King Boblin was sitting at the other end, glaring at Link. Link glanced behind him just as a fiery wall shot up.

"Ever heard of jousting?" Midna whispered.

Link nodded.

"I think this might be it."

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