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Hello everyone! I've missed you guys but sadly I still don't have the motivation complete the last chapter. 😔 though I do have good news! Delusions first few chapters have been published. If you don't remember, I posted smth about it in April (down below). I have a lovely plot planned out for it and am excited to share it with you! Have a wonderful new year!

April 10, 2022: Hey guys, sorry to disappoint you if you thought this was an update. But what would you guys think if I started a new book? I was wondering how many of you would read it.

It'll be a half textfic and half irl shit in MHA.
Reader'll be gender neutral and kinda op.
I can't do straight up crackhead shit but I hope it'll be funny.

The title so far is called "Delusional"

"You could call them villains. But what is the true definition of a villain? Someone who hurts other? Someone who goes against the laws and rules? Then, in those terms, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 are also villains, just disguised. And so are we.

Maybe it was a bad idea to add a random number to the 1-A group chat, or maybe it wasn't. You never know who could've been on the other side of the screen." This is what I have for the description rn it may change.

Please lemme know in the comments if you'd be interested!

P. S. I haven't been working on the 24th chapter. So sorry.

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