Deliberate Daunting (Chapter 1)

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Unfold, tuck, peel, stick and adjust. 
Unfold, tuck, peel, stick and-. 
Unfold, tuck-
Unfold, peel, adjust and stick. 

“Okay, good, you almost had it…but you forgot to tuck” 

“This is ridiculous, I can't do this” A familiar blonde complained as she threw a diaper to the ground. 

“Oh come on, you just had it” A puerto rican spoke up, bending down to pick the diaper up from the ground. “You should have practised this. During, I don’t know, just off the top of my head…the seven months you were waiting for a foster licence!!” Andy exclaimed as she stood upright next to the kitchen island in Maya's apartment.  

Right, yeah…it's been a while hasn’t it? I should probably explain what's going on huh? 

It's seven months after Maya found out about her nephew Finn. The same nephew that Mason sprung upon her. Not only did he spring this bomb on her, he forgot to mention that Finn was already in the system, and he in fact did not have Finn in his care while he was staying in the hotel.

Finn was actually in the foster care system and he had been placed with a family during the time Maya had applied for a foster licence. She finds it absurd that she had to get one, considering it was her nephew after all, but in the end she fought off her grudge and just applied for it. 

What she didn’t expect was how long it would take. CPS would come to her home every month, inspect it and ask her questions…then just leave. There was no information on how long it would take to get her licence. They said the day she applied for one, that she was very capable of gaining one…but that was seven months ago, and she had only obtained her licence last week. 

Which means, Finn was officially arriving at her apartment…today. 

Now, she's not randomly getting an eight month old baby sprung on her, she has seen him at least twice every month. Mostly so he could get used to her appearance and, you know…so she didn’t immediately freak out when she held a baby.

She was surprised actually. The second she held him, he instantly latched onto her finger and fell asleep. She was very thankful for it, because she wasn’t sure she would be able to control a crying baby. She would have probably just handed him off to his foster parents.

Which were lovely by the way. Ms Fern and Mr Fern. They were both in their late fifties, and they never actually planned to adopt Finn. In fact, Mason knew their grandson Jake…whom he is still trying to find a place with. Basically, Mason had asked Jake if his grandparents could foster Finn until Maya could obtain her own licence. He easily agreed, and the Ferns enjoyed the company. 

Speaking of Mason. He was still staying in hotels and b&b’s. Maya had encouraged him to stay with her…again, but he surprisingly insisted on letting Maya prepare the room for Finn to use. So instead, she had been helping pay for his hotel charges and searching for an apartment for him to rent out. 

They do still have an awkward presence between them, but now that Mason had a child on the line, he accepted Maya's help, and they do actually talk…briefly. Whenever he would arrive to collect Mayas offering of money, she would inform him of information the CPS worker gave her, or the current state Finn was in. They would never get personal, or just chat about normal day things, but Maya was happy with where they had come. 

Now the room. You're probably confused…or not, but Andy moved out three months back. She knew that Finn would need a nursery, and his own room in general. So she moved into her own apartment. Not that she cared, because not long after, she found a new roommate. Ryan Tanner. He seemed to spend a lot of time there anyway, so Andy insisted on him moving in. 

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