Hide Behind A Screen (Chapter 23)

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Hating the world has become a daily occurrence nowadays. It has been a week since Finn returned from Lori's care, meaning they were nearing the possibility that she were to take him again, and everything had become more tense as the possibility returned. Both Carina and Maya haven't heard anything from Claire regarding Lori's requests…which they were struggling to judge whether it was a good thing or not.

It left Carina to sit in her office, Finn frantically crawling in all directions as he discovered new things that definitely weren't in the daycare. She had time to spend by herself today to go over her research, but all her mind brought her too was that possibility, which then led her to checking Finn out of daycare and using her research time to spend watching the infant roam around her office. His face glowed at every new object, how the corner of the couch had a texture that felt funny under his finger tips, or how parts of the floor made him slide his knees lightly.

She couldn't contain the smile on her face, a smile of endearing and yet…sadness. She wanted things to stay like this, being able to be in the same building as Finn and having the choice to see him whenever she wanted. She didn't want scheduled days or part time visits…she wanted this. 

“piccola scimmia, should we call Beeno?” The nickname caused Finn's face to pause, his fingers intertwined with the rug as he snapped his head in Carina's direction. She gave him a little cheesy grin before pulling her phone from her lab coat pocket and clicking on a facetime call and letting the dial run through.

As the call rang, she stood to sit on the couch, Finn down by her feet as she leaned forward to run her fingers through his curls.

“Hello?” Maya's voice was heard through the phone, gaining an eager look from Finn.

“Ciao Bambina” Carina smiled trough the camera, seeing as Maya was sitting in her office, a wrinkle between her eyebrow.

“Is everything okay? What's wrong?” The fire captain concernedly asked, confused by the sudden need to call. 

“Beeno!” Finn mumbled, loud enough for Maya to hear, causing a smiled to thread across her face.

“Sì, everything is okay bella. Someone wanted to say hi” Carina confirmed, placing her phone down on her lap for a moment to pick Finn up and sit him on her leg. “Look Finn. Who's that?” She enthusiastically asked, gasping playfully as she pointed at the screen.

“Beeno?” Finn pressed his hand against the screen, evidently causing the screen to switch off, but Carina was quick to pull it back up.

“Hello little guy! What are you doing in mamma's office huh?” Maya's words caused confusion to spark on Finn's face. He wasn't used to the whole mobile phone situation as of yet, so as she spoke, he grew agitated by her lack of physical appearance. “Did she give you a job filing paperwork?” This sentence however also left Carina in confusion. 

“Is everything okay? Why is he out of daycare?” Maya now asked, directing the question to Carina as she watched Finn eagerly try to grab Carina's phone, but as the Italian kept pulling it away out of his reach, attempting to accidentally not let him end the call, he let out a whimpered cry. “Hey bud? What's wrong huh?” Maya's heart ached at the cry.

“He wants my phone” Carina silently chuckled at Finn's agitated yet betrayed face. “And…bella I promise you, everything is okay. I just wanted to spend some time with him before-” She cut herself off, not wanting to finish her sentence that would likely cause both herself and Maya to fall into more sadness, and they both didn't need that right now. They had shed enough tears about this, they didn't need to shed more, especially when nothing had occurred to simmer in the thoughts of loss. 

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