Butterfly (Chapter 31)

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You would think walking into a courthouse would be terrifying, so much so that you would consider making a run for it, rotating one-eighty and walking the other way. But as Maya and Carina walked up the middle of the courtroom, they couldn't refrain from smiling a teary smile. Almost every seating space on the benches was occupied. All their friends and family sat still, impatient to watch what Maya and Carina have been waiting for since day one.

To make Finn theirs.

Maya held Finn in her arms, his little suit wrinkling from his position. His face peered over her shoulder, observing all the familiar faces that sat behind him. All of Carina’s work friends sat together, Teddy and Owen with their kids, Amelia with Scout while Jo sat on the outer side of the bench so she could continue to push Luna in her stroller, keeping her from waking up and possibly causing a fuss in the courtroom. Meredith and her kids also mingled in, taking a seat on the furthest bench. Her kids usually grew antsy when cooped up for too long, so she made sure to keep a distance.

Some of nineteen mixed together. Andy and Ryan sat at the front, while Andrew and Sam sat beside them. Behind them in the second row sat Vic and Ripley, alongside Jack and Logan who didn’t seem to be paying attention just yet, which was fine as the ruling hadn’t begun yet. Travis and Emmett were seated beside Miranda and Ben alongside their kids on the last bench, Dean and Pru also stationed beside them. Pru was watching something on Dean’s phone, entertaining herself until everyone could go back to the station for a ‘gathering’ that Andy had set up. Knowing that Andy was in charge of this ‘gathering,’ Maya knew straight away that the entire beanery was probably going to be filled with party supplies, possibly balloons and definitely snacks.

Carina, Maya, Finn and Lori all sat at the front table with Claire beside them, who was currently taking out papers and files from her briefcase and laying them out flat for quick access if needed.

The support around them left the couple almost in tears. If it weren’t for the fact that they had to be presentable for the judge, Carina was sure she would have broke down in tears from the amount of people that made their appearance. They weren’t asked, or made obliged to come, instead they came here on their own free will to witness something so important to Maya and Carina, a day that will be remembered by everyone.

“Order in the court please. All rise” The room grew silent once the judge hit her gavel loudly. The sound echoing, spooking Finn lightly to which Maya just tightened her grip on him, allowing him to fist his hand into her collar.

Everyone stood from their seats, Jack subconsciously wiping his clammy hands on his jeans. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous, maybe it was being in a courtroom…either way, his mouth seemed to dry once the judge entered. “Be seated” Maya held Finn close before sitting again, letting him rest easy on her lap. Finn decided to use the position as an advantage to his boredom. He began to fidget with the buttons on Maya’s open blazer, tugging slightly at Maya's lack of attention. “We are here today in regards of Finn Bishop’s adoption approval. He has been in Maya Bishop’s and Carina Deluca’s care ever since he was placed into the foster system, do I have this correct?” She spoke, her voice loud enough that she wouldn’t need a microphone to reach the back of the courtroom.

“That is correct” Carina leaned forward to speak into the mic, resting her hands in her lap after doing so.

“And how many home visits have there been?” The judge quired, looking down at her own documents.

“Six, judge. All have been cleared as a safe and stable environment” Claire replied, holding a sheet of paper in her hand just in case the judge needed the physical information.

“If I’m correct, the biological mother is here today?” The judge spoke, looking up briefly to look around the courtroom.

“Yes your honour” Lori spoke into the mic, announcing herself so the judge was able to find her.

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