What Runs Around, Tumbles Around (Chapter 28)

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"Aren't we supposed to do this at midnight?" Carina gasped, breathing shallow and skin glistening in sweat as Maya emerged from under the duvet covers. Her hair was ruffled, causing it to stick to the shimmering sweat on her forehead.

"I don't think having sex in front of our family and friends is the brightest idea" The blonde replied, her forearms now stationed on either side of Carina's head. "However, I wouldn't mind starting my year off with sex, that seems pleasant" Carina wanted to wipe the shit eating grin from Maya's face...but she couldn't deny that she was having the same thoughts.

The last week has been very eventful to say the least. For one, Claire had informed them when Lori wanted to meet with them in the new year, precisely January fifth...which just so happened to be two days before Mason's trial. Maya was still deciding whether or not she was going to attend. She hadn't received any information from Mason, or his lawyers whether or not Mason wanted her there, and she didn't want to just intrude...so instead she decided to laser focus majoritively on the meeting with Lori.

Both Carina and Maya were sticking to their reigns. They were going to take the risk, and if Lori were to offer them visitation and ask them to withdraw the adoption, they would say no and attend the trials, and case meetings head on.

Finn was theirs, end of story. And now that he was walking...or should we say, running, Maya and Carina wanted to make sure they didn't miss any more of his milestones. Finn finally being able to take his first steps was a major component in his life, and just that alone showed that Finn was growing up right in front of their eyes. It's why they were going to take the risk. They wanted to keep Finn in their eyes, and not away for twenty-four hours with a stranger that Finn very much did not like yet.

"What if we stay home?" Maya questioned, her thigh nudging between Carina's legs. The italian knew exactly what Maya was doing...and to no-one's surprise, it was working. "Plus, I want my fiance all to myself" She seductively whispered, leaning her head forward to ghost her lips over Carina's as she interlocked their fingers above Carina's head.

The shine of the gold glistening ring on Carina's ring finger sparkled in the sunlight that peeped through their curtains. Carina found it very difficult to pick between the two beautiful engagement rings that Maya had outrageously bought. She didn't even want to ask the price, knowing Maya, Carina already knew she didn't even look at the price, instead whatever looked more fitting.

Seems as though she struggled though, because when Maya presented the two rings, surprised to see Carina also surprised, mostly because she had assumed Carina seeing the rings were the reason she knew about the upcoming marriage proposal, but when Carina revealed that it was the marriage booklet on her desk that gave it away, Maya laughed at the irony.

Carina set not only a couple of inches from two engagement rings in Maya's drawer, but what gave it away was Maya's poorly placed marriage booklet. It was hysterical to Maya...but to Carina, it was surreal. She was almost glad she didn't see the rings right then and there, mostly because she doesn't know what she would have done if she knew for definite that Maya had proposing on her mind.

Obviously the booklet was a major give away. But at least Carina could gauge certain possibilities. But if she were to see the ring...not just one ring, but two rings because Maya was indecisive, she would've known for sure that Maya was definitely going to propose.

Even now when they are engaged, she still feels nervous about it. It was probably because they haven't told anyone about the engagement. It was like keeping a hardwired secret. It wasn't that they were hiding the ring, they just hadn't been at work for the last seven days. They have been off for their holidays, glad they pre-booked extra days earlier on in the year. They wanted to spend as much time in the Christmas spirit with Finn. And now with him gradually walking and running every now and again, they were extremely happy they got the days off.

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