Stand Up (Chapter 7)

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"I never said it wasn't important, I just said it's not that important to me for us to be fighting about it" The blonde sighed as she strolled around the living room, picking up wooden blocks and stuffed animals off the floor.

"We're not fighting Maya, we're just having a conversation with two opposing sides, this is the thing with you Americans-"

"And we're back to the American talk again. Just because I said I think we should consider who goes and who doesn't, you think me being American is the reason for this whole conversation in the first place. I have my own reasons for this you know, and they're not reflected by my nationality" The raised temper in her tone and words being outspoken, caused Carina to re-adjust her stance behind the couch, along with the words that bubbled up in her head.

What may they be having a discussion about you may ask? Well... It was the team's day off and Dean had invited everyone around to his boat house for a little get together while they watched the football game. Italy against Portugal. He had of course allowed people to bring their significant others and friends. But recommended that due to loud music and possible alcohol consumption, that kids might not be the best for the atmosphere.

This has caused a spark between Maya and Carina as Maya really wanted a day to de-stress, while Carina really wanted to see her home team play against the opposing team. It's a simple matter, until you remember...Finn. The daycare was still under maintenance and Maya refused to trust a babysitter. So, they were both left to discuss whether or not Carina or Maya should stay with Finn.

Carina would have easily accepted to stay with Finn and just watch the game at home. But that was against her point. Until Maya could see Carina as a part of her family, and no longer look at Carina taking care of Finn as a favour...then she would still let Maya control the heavy reins. It hurt to watch of course, she hated to see the exhausted look on Maya's face at the end of the day, the unenergetic expression and the limp in her step...which by the way, hasn't gotten any better, and it's been a week since her drills. Carina wanted to so badly take it away, the pain and stress...But she also wanted to make her point clear, she couldn't constantly be in the shadows and pushed over all the time.

"I didn't mean it like that bambina" The italian spoke, a sigh escaping from the blonde taking it out of context.

"Carina it's fine, i'll stay with him, you go watch the match" Maya sluggishly added, walking her way to the kitchen where she dropped an empty baby bottle into the sink for cleaning.

"Why the sudden change? Two minutes ago you were complaining how its your day off and-"

"Because I don't want to fight about it anymore!... I have enough going on already, I don't need to be fighting with my girlfriend as well" Maya cut her off, wanting this whole conversation to be over, she removed herself from the kitchen, slowly walking in the direction of Finn's nursery, hoping her slow movements would limit the pain in her ankle, but it seemingly only made it worse.

Creaking the door open slightly and peeping her head in, she was met with the glow of the nightlight that was positioned next to Finns cot. She hovered her way over to the crib, opting to wake the infant from his slumber, but only being met with his body already up right. His hands gripping the railing and his feet pressing firmling against the mattress. "Oh my god, Oh my god Finn, you're standing!" She energetically let out, a huge smile on her face as she stared at the infant standing upright. "Look at you go!" Finn's face soon lit up also in excitement, although for him he wasn't really sure why Maya was so energetic, but he fed off her demeanour, stomping his foot around as he let the pacifier fall from his mouth, leaving him with a cheesy grin on his face.

Her first instinct was to call Carina into the room, to show her how Finn's strength was keeping him upright. But as her mind trailed, she remembered how they currently were, so instead she rested her face from excitement and approached the infant in his crib, wrapping her hands around his torso and raising him above her head for a moment before placing him back down so he could sit upon her hip. "Let's get you a bottle shall we" As the words escaped her mouth, the sound of the front door opening and closing echoed into the room. The blonde let out a sigh as she just distracted herself by giving Finn a plastered smile and walking toward the kitchen. "Looks like it's just you and me bud"

Through A Different Lens {Marina/Maya & Carina}Where stories live. Discover now