Just Around The Corner (Chapter 18)

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"Cooper, calm down...-I'm so sorry, we got a call from the school saying he was feeling sick" A mother spoke as she laid on the examination table, her husband standing next to her, holding her hand "Seems he's better now though" She let out a sigh as her eyes trailed over her five year old, bouncing around the room, a bubble wand in his hands as he waved it around, making a circle of bubbles fall to the ground.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it" Carina smiled back, using the gel covered wand from the ultrasound sound machine to navigate over the woman's stomach.

"Do you have kids?" The mother, Beth, asked, trying to ease a conversation.

The question left Carina to shine a radiant smile. She used to get this question all the time, and everytime it was asked, it stung her heart to answer no. Carina has always wanted kids, and now that she does, now that she and Maya are on the road to making it real on paper, it now brought her joy to be asked such a question. "Yes, I do." She gave the woman another toothy smile. "Only one, he just turned one last week" She couldn't help but smile at the ultrasound monitor. Being able to say yes to this question felt almost unreal. It used to feel like a crushing weight, showing what she was missing out on, or what she may never get to experience, but now with Maya, with Finn...she had that, and maybe in the future, there could also be more.

She was never going to push the topic against Maya. Of course Carina would love to give birth to a child, maybe give Finn a brother or sister, but she also remembered how Maya was before Finn. She never really entertained the idea of kids, and whenever it was brought up, it was subtly pushed off to the side, either it was using sex as a distraction or Maya would somehow need to do something for work, either way...it never seemed to be a future idea for Maya.

Until now.

Maya now had a life with a one year old, she knew what it was like to have kids, and Carina would be lying if she said she didn't hope Maya would maybe come around on the idea. But in the end, if Maya didn't want to have more kids, Carina would live with that. She loved Maya and Finn, she loved their little family, and living with just that was pleasant enough for her.

"This is our third, and I don't think we will ever forget their one year into life" Beth spoke, turning her head to face her husband, offering him a cheerful smile. "Do you and your husband plan on having more?" The question caused Carina to press her lips, not at the husband remark, but because of the more kids idea.

"Uh, my girlfriend and I haven't really discussed that far ahead, but I'm not against the idea" Carina answered, watching as the womens eyes widen before softening in guilt.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that was wrong of me to assume" She hastily replied back.

"That's okay. And it seems you and your baby are also okay. You're on track with the due date and the baby seemed to move from its breech position, so that is amazing" Carina spoke, making sure to limit her words so she didn't spoil the baby's sex. Both the father and mother wanted to find out in the delivery room on the day, which Carina thought was very wholesome.

She's not sure if she would want to find out her baby's sex before birth or not. Maybe a gender reveal or something, but she also doesn't know if she would be able to contain herself around ultrasounds everyday and not want to find out the sex.

"Coops, be careful" The dad spoke up as he watched his son run around, slightly bumping into one of the chairs in the corner of the room.

"I advise you to take it easy for the next two weeks, don't carry too much weight, okay. I'm sure you know the rules, considering that this is your third"

"Second birth" Beth corrected as Carina passed her a few tissue cloths to wipe away the gel on her stomach. "Our eldest, Quinn, she's twenty two now, we adopted her when she was a teenager. She's currently away for college- which is always sad, but then we get reminded that she is going to be an amazing lawyer one day, and that we should be proud of her and not boring parents that just want their child twenty four seven" The comment caused Carina to let out chuckle as she helped the mother sit up on the bed.

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