Recognizable Fervid (Chapter 6)

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“What about a fire pole? You like the fire pole right” Maya exhaustingly let out as she held a temperamental, crying Finn on her hip, facing the shiny gold fire pole. The baby's face red from the loud wails and high pitch cries, his hand gripped around the fabric of Maya's top. “You’re not hungry, you don’t need changing and you’re not tired, what could you possibly need—” As the list of non possibilities spilled out of Maya's mouth, Finn took it upon himself to tell Maya what was wrong by spilling his own substance out of his mouth. 

Her mouth opened wide in shock as the warmth of the spit-up soaked into the fabric of her shoulder. She stood frozen as the baby’s face reoriented itself, his tongue pushing against his inner cheek as he faced Maya with the most oblivious face. His wails and reddened cheeks cooling down as he sat upon Maya's hip, watching as her face shadowed from shock to annoyed acceptance. “Now I know why Dean put a towel on his shoulder” She muffled out between her teeth. Honestly she was just glad he stopped crying.

He had been on and off crying for the last three hours. Maya had popped two painkillers, one mostly for the pain in her ankle and calf, along with the headache that had formed from Finn's strong wails. Not to mention that it added to the stress she had due to her drills being on today. Out of all days of the week, month, year…today had to be the day that the daycare was not available. Like how is a daycare not even available anyway? There was no heads up, no emails…nothing, Maya was left completely out of the blue. 

She had to physically stand in front of the daycare centre and read a piece of paper on the inner side of the glass door, reading ‘Electric under maintenance, closed till further notice’

Further notice?! Maya can’t cope with further notice, she was a firefighter for christ sake, the only further notice she should be worrying about is information on fire, or paperwork, not a daycare. It didn’t help that after her and Carinas conversation two days ago, Carina has seemed to loosen the reins on the whole ‘Finn situation’, meaning, she still cares and helps around the apartment with Finn, but she was living up to Mayas words, and not involving herself into something that Mayas thinks as a favour. 

Truthfully, Carina hated every moment of it. It's only been two days since her reins had loosened, and she already missed picking up Finn from daycare. They had a system that Maya would drop him off, and Carina would pick him up, but now Maya is doing both of those jobs, along with her own work at the station. The stress was piling up and it wasn’t good for her, especially on a day so important for her career. 

Besides that literal baby drama, her pain has seemed to escalate. Her calf had now officially tightened in on itself, making it very painful whenever her calf muscle would flex. She did listen to Carina slightly by taking it easy, but when she takes a painkiller, she sometimes forgets the pain is still there, which led her to the treadmill and pulling out a twenty minute run. 

She had felt a slight sting in her ankle at each step she hit the belt of the treadmill, but she just assumed it was her muscles strengthening from the exhausting run. But later that day when the medication had worn off and she had added a little too much pressure to her foot by standing from her office chair. She had realised the damage the run must have caused. The jolt of pain that ran up her leg almost caused her to stumble to the floor, luckily catching herself by the edge of her table and taking a seat back in her chair.

But right now, she was standing in the barn, limping around the trucks hoping that the engines would calm the baby in her arms. She had taken a painkiller a while ago, hoping it would work its full effect when her drill would take place. She also had a pressure bandage on, even though she wasn’t sure that it worked on a torn muscle…she was hoping it would, because she needed to limit any movement that could cause pain and savour any energy she had left to perform her drills. 

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