Chapter 6 - Free

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This chapter is probably gonna be so incredibly wrong, but idk how this works so yk.

Four words in and I've already lost motivation. 14 words in and I wanna kms. 23 words in and I'm regretting my decision to write this book. Many more words in, and I am very happy and motivated. I'm running out of attributions pls help, I'm trying not to be repetative. Unpopular opinion, plain crisps are the best ones.


Description of abuse

Wilbur awoke in a room, white walls, floor, and interior. The lamps were unnecessarily bright and he groaned as they irritated his eyes. "Wilbur? Mate, it's just me Phil, 'kay?" Wilbur flinched at his name, but quickly relaxed. He tried to sit up, but the stabbing pain on his waist and thigh forced him down.

"I-is he here?" Wilbur whimpered. Phil smiled softly. "No, you're safe. Although the police would like to talk to you, is that okay? I can be here with you; Techno is buying himself some breakfast currently but has offered to stay with you in case you would prefer that."

Wilbur was torn. He trusted and liked Phil, but at the time, he wasn't ready to trust an adult man that much. "I'm sorry but... could Techno stay here? A-and I don't mean to ask for much, but could the officers only be women..?" Phil nodded reassuringly and stood up to go inform the police and Techno.

A few minutes later Techno entered with a comforting smile. "How're you feeling?" Wilbur nodded in response. "Alright then, where would you like me? I could sit beside you on either side or sort of in front of you."

"Uhm, beside me right side is good." Wilbur answered. It was now Techno's time to nod as he sat down on a chair where requested. Wilbur was able to sit up straight, and once they were all settled two female officers walked in. 

"Hello William Gold, and Techno. Our names are Kim and Sofie We would just like to get some answers as to what happened and what you've been through." Wilbur said a quick yes, and they continued. "So, your body showed signs of constant physical harm. Is this from child abuse or outside of the house? We understand if this is a difficult question, and we can skip it for now."

Wilbur shook his head no. "It's from child abuse." he admitted. Sofie wrote something down before making eye contact again. "I see. Now, how was life at home?" Wilbur started to bite at his nails as he gathered strength to speak up.

"We, or well they, had a bunch of rules. And if these weren't followed, they would... punish me. Usually by a slap, but sometimes a full beating or sticking my head in a bucket until I almost blacked out. Three times in total my father, he uh, he would cut me with a knife and write things."

Sofie wrote something down again, frowning and with her eyebrows furrowed. "What was the 'rules' when it came to food?" Wilbur explained the situation, usually one meal a day, controlled by them, sometimes zero. But also the consequences if he did eat anything else. 

Techno had been stood silent this whole time, that was until that question was asked. "So, William, what happened last night?" Techno held his hand up and leaned down to Wilbur's level. In a low voice he said: "If it gets hard, just signal to me and I'll hear everything you have to say and repeat it for the officers, yeah?" Wilbur nodded in response, then looked back at Sofie and Kim.

"He was angry, and he was hitting me - a lot. But when I didn't react or anything he pulled out the knife. He wrote 'ungrateful' a-and 'disgusting' and he was going to write... He- I- I can't" his eyes were tearing up and breathing turned uneven. Techno went on one knee once again, grasping Wilbur's hand and rubbing his thumb and down slowly. 

"Will, can you do something for me? When my thumb moves upwards, breathe in and when it goes down you breathe out. And if it's still you hold?" Wilbur started breathing in and out evenly, and eventually calmed down.

Techno kept his grasp as Wilbur continued in barely a whisper. "He was gonna write 'fat' and I just yelled for him to stop. I- I guess he got extremely angry because he stabbed me in the shoulder. I fled and ended up outside of Phil's house a- and Techno called an ambulance. And now were here." 

Sofie wrote down the last information on her sheet. The officers thanked Wilbur and left. "I'm so proud of you Will, you did great." Techno smiled. Wilbur did the same.

Techno stayed with Wilbur the whole afternoon, Phil came back around 15.00 with glistening eyes and a happy smile. "So, Wilbur, I talked with the police and some other authorities. Turns out you don't have any other family in the picture, and we were wondering if maybe, only if you're comfortable of course, you'd like to come live with us until everything's done?"

Wilbur's smile grew wider than it had the past years and he nodded. "Yes, yes please, I'd really like that" at his words, Techno smiled even bigger than Wilbur.

Phil approached Wilbur and pulled him into a hug. Despite Wilbur not initiating the hug, he had no problem with it whatsoever.

Again, this whole process is probably wrong but idrk

Prepare for angstyily angst angst yummy hot sexy yes

- Bread

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